Mlddle F.ast Political (Contd)

Mlddle East Politlcal (Contd)

Dlecuased, by , Tel Avlv,

The Role of Afro-Aeian Solidarny ln the Battle of Paleatine, by Muroi Sa'ad Al-Dln,

6 pp.

ARABIC, per, Al-Tallłah, Oct 19°7, PP 65-


JPRS U3U96 5Ht ifentha of Aggreaslon Reaiatance, the War of the Crow and the Slephact, by Lutfl a]UKha*Ll, 36 pp.

ARABIC, per, aL-Tall«ah. Deo 196?. Ho 12. pp 56-

JPR3 43999

Raport on Situatlon ln Kideaat, by Khalid Mohyi ad-Din, II pp.

ARABIC, per, aL.Tall*ah. Ho 12, 3rd Tear, Deo 1967. pp 76-81^

JPRS 43999

Soclallat Wo»n'a Delegation will Sutdt Report on Iarael to International, by Ada Houzfila,

5 PP.

HEBREW, np, fry^r. 30 Nor 1967, p 6.

JPRS 43881

HAARKTS Interriew with Rabin, 13 pp.

HEBROf, newapaper, Haareta. Tal Aviv, 22 Dec 67. PP. 3, 12.

JPRS 44,176

Iarael'e Vay to Soclall Elleser Hacohen, 9 pp. HEBROf, newapaper,

18 Oct 67, p. 4.

JPRS 43,847

Toward Peace and Against Annexation, by Eether Wllenske, 7 PP«

HEBREW, np, Kol Haara, 13 Oct 1967, PP 2, 5* JPRS 43379

Roto ln tlona and the Role dl the Trade Dnlona, by 1 Atlyyah aL-Sayrlfl, 12 pp.

ARABIC. per, al^TaU'ah. Deo 1967. pp 86-91. JPRS 43999

An Interriew with Candohael, 19 pp. ARABIC, per. AX-TaU»ah. Deo 1967, pp 14> 153.

JPRS 43999

Mlkunia' Speech at Celebratlon Cereaooy of October Revolution, by Sherauel Klkunla, 7 pp HEBREW, np, Kol Haaci, 7 Nor 1967, pp 2 5, 9. JPRS 43724

Iarael Celebratee October Revolution, by Eether Vilenska, 5 PP*

HEBREW, np, Kol Haaa, 7 Nov 1967, pp 2 4 9* JPRS 43724

Athena, 8 Nov 67, pp. I and JIU 43.829

Dodalon to Batablieh Spedfioatlona and M<

Mata Orfanlaatlon wltłdn the Arab Łeagne, 8 pp. ARABIC, per, AL.Waoa‘1 AL^ttariyyah. Mo 241, 28 Bot 1967, pp JPRS 43936

Archlvea Reveal EDA Pra-Electton Strategy,

5 pp.

GRUK, newapaper, ŁUvtheiroe to •PO. Athena, 1 Noe 67, pp. 1, 11.

JPRS 43,803

EDA Aaong Greeka Abroad Reraaled, 7 pp. GUEK, dally newapaper, tlorthoroe Koapoa,

Ieraell CP Defende October Revolution, by Moehe Cneh, 7 PP*

HEBREW, np, Kol Kaam, 7 Nov 1967, pp 2 4 9. JPRS 43724

Nhkl Repreeentative, Beri Balti, at Milan Synpoalun, 3 pp.

IIEBREW, np, Kol Kaan, 3 Nor 1967, pp 2 4 $. JPRS 43724

Dutch CF Seen aa laraali CP Ally, by Ya'acov Ul ber, 6 pp.

HOLU, newapaper, Kol Mam. Tel Arir,

1 Dec 47, pp. 2 and 3.

JPRS 43,847

Ora anlaa tlona Uprą aa Ropport of Oo Polio wina Ooun, 5 pp.

, 15 Deo 1967, p 7

JPRS 44001

Id Leader Katola Security Ceuocll Reeolutloo, by S. Klkunla, 5 pp.

BUKIM, dally, Kol Ma* ot. Tel Awiw, 13 Do« 67,

p. 2.

JTRS U,030

Hlnlater of Information laterrlewed 00 Correct Prohlama, by Hannah Kanar, 8 pp.

UBtW, eeakly,    Aele, 3 Bec 47,

pp. 4 and 7.

JIU 43,829



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