It is rccomniended thal you havc che proper tools before you begin to correct your charts. The following ilems arc rccomniended and can be bought Cr om any good siali o ner who sells brand names such as Staedtler, Slandardgraph, Rotring and Linex.
1. Pens |
You need iwo pens with differenl sizes of mb, cg. 0.15mm and 0.25 mm. Use a 0.15mm nib lo insert information and a 0.25mm nib lo delete. It is necessary lo follow the instruclions accompanying the pen ofyour choice so chat you can kccp it clean and in good working order. |
2. Ink |
The colour should be vioIet so Ihat you can see your correciions clearly. Also, Ihey can be seen by Porl Stale, Flag State, Class and Insurance surveyor inspeclion leams. |
3. Pcncils |
HB. This is a good pencil for inserling Admiralty Notices lo Mariners (ANMs) inlo your “Chart Corrcction Log and Folio Tndex” NP 133A (sec subparagraph 12). Also it can be used for chart work bul mariners may prefer a soflcr pencil such as a 2B. 7H. This is a hard pencil with a sharp point for pin-pointing positlons when using cither a parallel rule and dividers or a Chart Correetion Over)ay (morę commonly referred to as a Traeing). A Tracing is a use tul tool for positioning a coiTeclion ąuickly. Tracings can be obiaincd through appoinlcd Admiralty Chart Agenls. |
4. Er as er |
This should be soft and used only for rubbing oul pencil marks/tracks on charts or ANMs recorded in the NP 133A. |
5. Adhesivc |
This is lo be used when sticking Błock corrections and Noles/Cautions orno charts. There are many types of adhesive on the market bul ihe product known as “Positionable Monnting Adhesivc Rolls”, a 3M product under the brand name Scotch™, is strongly rccommended. As there is no distortion to the chart or the błock, you will flnd llial you can obtain a perfect fil,* and it is permanent. |
6. Parallel rule |
There are iwo Lypes: a. Rollcr b. Stcpping Botli iu-e perfcctly suilable for the purpose of plouing chart corrections |
7. Dividers |
Bow dividers are morę sensitive for accurale positioning. |
8. Compass |
With a pen attachment. is an csscntial piece of equipmenl for updating where you havc lo draw large circles or seclors, for example. Pasition the point gently to avouł piercing the chart. |