
Hacksaw blade A useful tool which you can use lo draw a cable. The blade should have about 14 teeth to l inch (2.5cm). Be careful to use thc blade so that your pen will flow ovcr ihe teeth.

10.    Straight edge A Steel sLraight edge, preferably 1 melre in length* Is a useful tool for

finding a position on a chan. As long as it has a truć and straight edge. Ii is a slower proeess than using a parallel ruler and dividers but there is less room for error.

11.    Tempiąte With various sizes of holes, shoukl be used for drawing radar slalions,

radio beacons, smali circular limits. etc..

Equipment: Publications

12.    NP 133xA Chart Correction Log. This publication may be purchased front any

appointed Admiralty Chart Agent. It lisis every chart nunterically and is used lo record corrections (by their ANM numbei*) against any chart atfected. It is rccommcndcd that, when thc ANMs are receivcd (see Chapter 2: Nuticcs to Marincrs (1) below) you should identify tlio.se chans which are affcctcd by an ANM and record ihe ANM nuraber, in pencil, against Ihe ch;u'l number in Lite NP 133A. By entering the ANMs in pencil, all ANM entrics can bc erased when a New Edition of thc chart is receired which will supersede all previous corrections. You can correct your chaits later in ink and cross che appropriatc ANMs through in pencil as you complele Ihcm. The dale of the New Ediiion/New Chart should be entered in ink as a permanent record. The ycar dale for thc currcnt ycar of ANMs should be underiined so that it is not confused with a NM number. On the next page is an example of a correctly completed version of NP 133A. This example shoukl not be rcad as an up lo dale version of NP133A. Pleasc notę: Advice given for keepmg NPI33A up to datc is based on wliat the UKIIO considers as best practice. In no way should it be taken as the authority for this proeess.

If you only havc a few charts aboard, you may prefer to usc a lined jotlcr or notę book with a list of the chart nunibers in numerical order. Merchant Marinę orticers may prefer to use a card index system based on folio contcnl, A sophislicalcd Computer program can be adapLed to accommodate this Information. You can usc Admiralty Digital Notices lo Mariners (ADNM) (see Annex), or che outfit management seryices of an International AdmiralLy Chart Agent (IACA).

Whichcvcr system is used, it is viial that an up-to-dale record is maintained of all corrections affecting all charts held. Without sucli a record it is very easy lo łose track of whcrc you arc up to in ihe correcling proeess. lf this happens, the proeess will become cliaotic and you arc likcly to miss several notices.



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