Chart No. |
Folio No. |
Notices to Mariners affecting chart |
3061 |
89 |
1987 OCT 2 (NE)-2002-117-2127-5172-5435-2003-2343-2973 |
3062 |
11 |
1990 DEC 21 (NE)-2002-429-559-783-5475-2003-756 |
Extracl from Chart Correct ton Log NP 133A
To stop the existing and new charts hecom i ng mixcd up. Ihe UKHO refers lo Lhe existing chart as an ‘X’ cha it. Mariners are advised to mark the existing chart number wilh lhe prcfix lX\ This chart musi continue to be used and corrected until tlić ncw charl cumes inlo force. Tt is important, also, to correct thc ncw chart from Admiralty Notices to Mariners but it mtist not be used for navigation until the datę that it comes into force, This dale will be found in Notices to Mariners and on thc chart itself.
Annual The Annual Summary of Admiralty Notices to Mariners is published in
Summary January cach ycar. Il conlains a lisi of Annual Notices lo Mariners, a reprint.
(NP247) of all Temporary and Prcliminary Notices lo Mariners still in force and a
reprinied summary of outstanding corrections for Admiralty Sailing Directions. This is an cssential part of your chart outfit. You should make surę that you have one on board as soon as possiblc afler il has been published.
NP 234
Chart 5011
‘X’ Charts cxplamed
This is ihe “Cumulłitivc List of Admiralty Notices to Mariners” which is published with ihe Weekly ANM lwice a year: The firsl is published in January and includes all ANM numbers published during Ihe previous iwo years. The July cdition includes all Ihe ANM numbers published during the previous two and a lialf years. Ii also conlains Ihe (atest edition daies for all charls in ihe British Admiralty senes. It is a very uscful tool for checking ihe accuracy of your record of corrections. Il is the only source of Information when you are setting up an ANM record system for ihe firsl time. The Cumulativc NM List, NP 234, can also be found on the UKHO web sile,
This is a booklct eniitlcd “Symbols and Ahbreviations used on Admiralty Charts” bul il is still known and rccognisccl by ils old chart number. Ic explains every symbol used on Admiralty charts and should bc used as a guide during Ihe correcting process. NB. Charl 5011 is a correctablc publication and should bc corrccled from ANMs when necessary.
Sometimes a New Edition of a chart will be published in advance of an imporlanl amendment laking place, This coukl be the creation or altcralion of a traffic separation schcmc. The New Traflic Separation Scheme might be scheduicd lo come into force on a paiticular dale. Until ihal datę arrives mariners will have to concinuc using the old or existing chart. It is imporlanl (hal all vessels operating in the area affected have the chart willi the latest amendment on board.