Finally, whcn il is necessary, Ihere will be an announcement under the heading Admiralty Distributor Information ro show the appoinlmcni of ncw Admiraliy Distribulors and Chart Agents, the tcrmination of appointments <ind any chan ges in the address or contact details.
ErraUtm. Oceasionally, at the end of section I, corrections to textual crrors which have occurred in earlier Weekly cditions of Admiraliy Noticcs lo Mariners will appear.
This section contains a list of T&P noticcs cancelled during the previous month and a list of T&P notices previously published and still in force.
In addition information is provided on Hydrographic Publications, evcry quarter c.g. the end of March, June, September, December. This section lists the current edilions of:
(1) Admiraliy Sailing Dircctions and iheir la test Supplements;
(2) Admiraliy List of Lighls and Fog Signals:
(3) Admiraliy Lisi of Radio Signals;
(4) Admiraliy Tidal Publications.
This information is also containcd in the Cumulative List of Admiraliy Notices to Mariners (NP 234), which is published every six months.
Geographical 1ndex, This indcx gives you a quick reference to lhose pages dealing with corrections to charts in a particular geographical area.
lndex Pages On receipt of the Weekly Edition you should look at the Index of Charts affected by the Admiralty Notices to Mariners (ANMs) and compare it with your stock record to identify lhose charts to be corrected. The appropriatc ANM numbers should be inserled againsl the affected chart in your NP 133A or olher record as explained in Chapter 1. ANMs are not listed in numerical order, they are published in geographical region. A glancc at the Index of Noticcs on the prcvious page will idenlify the appropriate page number for a particular ANM. Somc lnternational/Admirai ty Chart Agents (lACAs/ACAs) can supply lists of correclion numbers tailorcd co your charts aboard.
Corrections The lirst Nolice in Section II refers Lo miscellaneous chart corrections which normally arise becausc of the publicalion of a Ncw Chart or New Edilion. '•
For example, the legend ‘See Chart...' may have to be inserted on a chart covcring the same arca as a new chart now covers or deleted because the chart referred lo has been wilhdrawn. Alternatively, chart limils may need tu be inserted oraltered.
See Chapter 3 “Notices to Mariners Corrections” for a morc detailed descriplion of ANMs and Chapter 4 for examplcs of different lypes of ANM with notes on how to cany out tlie coirections.