06 (67)
Base Folds
Base folds arc basie forms that do not in themselves produce origami, but serve as a basis, or jumping-off point, for a number of ęreatiye origami figures, some quite complcx. As when beginning other crafts, leaming to fold these base folds is not the most exciting part of origami. They are, howevcr, easy to do, and will help you with your tcchnique. They also quickly becomc rotę, so much so that you can do many using different-colored papers while you are watching television or your mind is elsewhere. With complcted base folds handy, if you want to quickly work up a form or are suddenly inspired with an idea for an original, unique figurę, you can select an appropriate base fold and swiftly bring a ncw creation to life.
Base Fold 1

Fold and unfold in direction Fold both sides in to center Fold both sides in to center
of arrow. crease, then unfold. Rotate. creasc, then unfold.
sp|Oj aspg

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