. V
To calculttlc thc moment Ma solving the eqimtlon number 3. It docs not inelude the verticnl reoetłon VA bccuuse it is cqunl to 0.
ql2 - MA-VA*l = 0 ql3 - Ma - 0 • f ® 0 ~ Ma = -ql3 Ma « ql2
3) Vcrifieation ofcalculotion
1 count the sum of moments to the point B
= 0 i ql7 - Ma - VA • 21 = 0
qł2 - q/2 - 0 • 2/= 0 0 = 0
Ycrification cquation confirms the corrcctncss of calculotions.
Frcc body diagram
A frcc body diagram, also calłed a force diagram, is a pictorial representation often uscd by physicists and engincers to analyze the forces acting on a body of interest. A free body diagram shows all forces of all typcs acting on this body. Drawing such a diagram can aid in solsing for the unknown forces or the cquations of motion of the body. Crcating a frcc body diagram can make it casier to understand the forces. and torques or moments. in relation to one anolher and suggest the proper concepts to apply in order to find the solulion to a problem. The diagrams are also uscd as a conccptual device to help identify the intemal forces- for examplc, shear forces and bending moments in beams- which are developcd wilhin structures.