Grace your Home ui/h /his beauliful 3-foot-lall crocheted angei Pbieapp/e uinys and rufflcs, dainty silk roses, salin ribhon and tasscls adom her with timclcss elegance!

Oeufn by ło Ann Maxv<tO

fxpcricn<c Lovel



Appraomatdy 3756* liii: 20* in diaineter al K«<


•    Crochet cotton »ur 10 <300 >\1» per Kall ►: 5 bali* crcam

•    S«e 5 >t«l crochet hook or «« itecdcd to cbUin gaugc

•    T x 5* ptastk foam egg (lor bodice)

•    3* płastic foam Kall (tor headl

•    2t2Vi'łpla*ticl6amhaUł(forarm»»

•    2* pŁulic fcum <££ (for bhd body)

•    V nbstk (dam bali (for bud headl

•    2122* x 28*1 piece* peoier board

•    Wkfc transparent fa?V

•    IVncil

•    Yard*t«k

•    Dinncr płatc

•    Cnlt

•    Slapler

•    Kutie wrap

   21'-dx>mcter htavy cudhoard circle

•    Kecc of nylon rlocfcing or othtr

thin fabric

•    8H* x 11* »h«t of papce

•    3cup»*ugai

•    IV. cup* watef

•    24' wjuarc plartk-wrap- <ove red cardbćord

•    Rustproof pin*

•    llier*

•    Clear spray pofyurclhane

•    ItOt-gllK gun

•    2 (3mm) round btack btad*

•    4Vi yd* 1*-Wł<k d*ck<rcd-or£.iiuj-<d£<d *heer mairve ribfcon

•    3 yd* W-wkk grtefl fcathctadfed ribhon

•    16 U'-1W OMW ulk roK*

•    .91>*>25 gramj blond curly dofl hair

•    RowdcreJ blUlhtf

•    20* W*widc mam* cordmg with tMwh oo each md


Work ewnły and cwwijlrttly throagboot Pottwn Noło

Jo«n rivlł with a sl >ł unlc*ł otlwr-wuotatcd.

Panom Słitcha*

Hdc d«: |Yo. drnw up a Ip in n»t *łl twicc. yOk draw through iii 5 Ip* on hook.

Sh»*!2dc.ch2.2ik| in Hkadcd ip. Ket shell: Ch 3, (dc. eh 2.2 dej in indicatcdip.

Ikmble *hełt (dbl *h<U): 1(2 dc. eh

2) twicc. 2 dcl in mdwalcd ip.

Bet dbl ahclh Ch 3, (dc. (eh 2.2 dc) twicc] in mdtcaicd sp.



Kod I: Bet il )wad. eh 7. join to form a ring. eh 3 (counts aa fint dc thromShout). 31 dc in ring, join in 3rd ch of beg ch-3.

Kod 2: Ch 3. dc in tamę A. (d: in each of rwx13 ib. 2 dc ki not *t| rrp around. join in 3rd eh uf beg ch-3. (40 dc)

Rod 3: Ch 3. dc in Kunc *t. |dc in nett rt. 2 dc in no! *t) rep around. join In 3rd ch et beg ch-3. <60 ikj Rnd* 4-18: Ch 2 (count* a* ńnl hdc l>iruog)>xn i. hdc m och »t around. jom in 2evd ch of K-g ch-2. Inu-rt 3' plastic (nam hall.

Knd 19: Working «nvr plostK fwsn hall. ch 2. |bdc dcc. hdc in not »t] rep around. join in 2nd ch of b<g ch

2. (40 hdc i

Knd 20: Ch l.tc in umx rt. (»k not *t. ic in not stl rep around. jo*o inbcgK. (20 sc)


Knd 21: Ch 3.3 dc in uiw »t. 2 dc in not k. 3 dc in nol sc, 2 dc ki not te, 14 dc m fK\t k. 2 dc »n not *c. 3 dc in not te. 2 dc in not ic| rep around. mding with 3 dc m cacn of la*i2lc.«S6dc)

Kow* 22-32: Ch 3. dc iri vuti< »t and in och rem dc around. join in 3rd chof bcgch3.


Rod 33: Ch 1. >c m uune U. (eh 4. »c in not »tj rep anxmd. ending wSth ch 4. ioin in beg x.

Rad» 34-42:81 »t to center of nett cb-4 sp, (te. eh 4) in each eh 4 ip around. >kn in beg K.

Rad* 43-52: SI U to center ot not ch-4 »p. (te, eh 5! in each ch-4 »p around, »in in beg je.

Knd* 53-62: SI łt to center of nett Ćh-5 sp. J»c. eh 6J in each ch-5 *p around. ,*o4n in beg k.

Knd* 63-69: SI *t to center of nett ch-6 *p. l*c. ch 71 in each ch-6 »p around. )«o in beg te.

Rad 70: Beg diełl in nett dv7 »p, ch 1. (ihcil, eh 1] in each ch-7 h> around. jotn in 3rd ch cf beg cłi-3.

Koltom ruffle

Rnd 7lrSl *t in Shell sv »(«. ch 414 lirtKt in not thrll jpxm not dvl łp. ch 4. itp from * around. join m beg sc.

Rod* 72-74: SI *t to center of nett <h-l *p, |k. ch 4| in each ch-4 łp around. ywn ot beg *e.

Rnd* 75-78: SI *t to center of nett ch-4 łp. (jc, ch 5| in each ch-4 »p around. toin in beg jc.

Rnd* 79-82: SI *t (o Center of nett <h-5 >p. (*c. ch 6| in each ch-5 m* around. >otn in beg *c.



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