RmU $3-85: SI rt to center of nol «h-5 sp. |tc, di 7| m each ch-fi tp uound. >ocn tn heR *c. fatlen off. PŃMoppl* R«W*
Rai 1: \\<h RS fadofc iUh throd iriłh a*1 »ł in any sc of Rnd t3. bej! thell «n umc K. ch 3, sc in oat sc. ch 3. thell in nai sc. *<hdl w nccttc. di 3 (tc ch 3} in ned tc. (shĄ di 3| in not tc. rrp from • feround. yjan in 3ed ch of fc«cVt ch-3
Rod 2: Sist to center <f nnci thell. bci thell in «nx «p. ch 4.2 dc in fint A of nut thell, dc in next dc. 5 dc in nett thell sp, dc m nut dc. 2 dc in nett dc. di 4. (thdl ui not thell. ch 4. 2 dc in fint dc of not thell dc in not dc. 5 dc in not thell tp. dc in not dc. 2 dc in not dc. ch 4| rrp around. join in 3rd ch of bejt <h-3.
Rod 3: Si st to center of not thell. łwj{ thell in wmc »p, ch 3, K m not <h-4 tp. (dc, ch I ( m each of not 10 dc. dc in not dc. »c in rwet ch-4 tp. ch 3. 'thell in nett ihell di 3. sc in nett eh 4 ip. (dc. ch 1| in och of nett 10 dc, dc in not dc. ic in not ch-4 sp, eh 3. rep from • around. join in 3rd eh of heR ch-3.
Rod 4: Sł« to center of not shclt. hq{ thdl n same jp. eh 3. (sc. eh 3| m och •if not 11 dc. *thdl m nal tł*dl eh 3. •te. ch 31 m och of nat 11 dc. rrp from • trour>3 jc*n in 3rd ch <f heii eh 3.
Rnd 5: SI »t to center of not thdl. bejt JN theli in ume sp. ch 3. l»k not eh-3 »p <«f ptncapplc. sc in not di-3 sp, ch 3) 10 limes, tk next ch-3 sp,
‘dbl sheB in nett thdl eh 3. (sk not ch-3 tp of pinopple. sc in not ch-3 sp. eh 3| 10 łimcs. tk nett ch-3 sp, rep front • around. toin m 3rd ch of heR <h-3, Łuten cff.
!Flr»» pineipjdc
Rovc 1: U'ith KS fjcinR, Attach thread in 2rd clv-2 tp ot anv Al thell on Rnd 5 of tose, shefl in »me •ip. ch 3. tk fint ch-3 »p of ptneappłe. t*c in rwrt ch-3 sp. ch 3| 9 limo. dc rxxt d»-3 »p of p.nejpplc. thell in firtt ch-2 tp of nett thell. ch 3. tum.
Row 2: Shell fal firtt thclL ch 3. i*e ■n not ch-3 ip. ch 3] $ tunet. thell in nett thell. ch 3, tum.
Row* 3-8: Rep Rew 2. htiinit 1 los (k. ch 3J rep in each rew thtn in peoiout row.
Row 9: Shell in firtt thell. <h 3. tk not ch-3 tp, >c in not ch-3 tp. ch 3. ihell in not thell, ch 3. fum.
Kow 10: Shell in firtt thdl. thell in next thell. cli 3. il st in top of Uti dc oo Ki w 9. fatttn cd.
St*i pltKtpple
Rows 1-10: Allach thread witłi a »1 :4 in not <h*2 tp of Al thell on Rnd 5 •A twe. rep Ibm l-10of ńrst pineap-pie, be£ Rew I at •.
Rep Rom I -10 irwjnd hate for a toUl of 14 pinopplo.
Maloc 2
Rod I: Ch 5. je*n to form a rin*. ch 3 icounU *t firtt dc throughout)< 19 dc in rint, do not /oin, lurn. f 11 dc) Kovr 2: Ch 3, dc ui urn tt. 2 dc m ex*h of nett 9 dc. dc in lut dc. (21 dc) Roto 3 & 4: Ch 4 (countt At firtt dc. ch-lk (dc. ch l| m Mtne dc and in cach of not 19 dc. dc in Ust dc. tum Row 5: Ch 5 (counts u firt! dc. ch 2). |dc, ch 2) in tamę dc and m each of not 19 dc. dc in U»t dc. tum Rove 6: lleR thell in firtt dc. <h 2. k ui not dc. ch 3. Itc. <h 3! in cach of not 17 dc. |k. ch 2| in not dc. thell ui Ust dc. tum
Row 7: BcjJ thdl tn not thdl. ch 3.
|tc. ch 3! in each ch-2 >p acrott. thdl m nett thdl. tum 119 ch-3 tpt)
Row 8: BeR »hdl in thdl, di 2, lic. ch 31 in e.Kh of not 18 ch-3 tp*. (w. ch 2! m Lut ch-3 tp. thdl in not thdl. tum
Row 9: 8ev5 shdl m thell. cłi 4. (te. ch 4) ui each ch-3 tp acrots. thdl in not thdl, tum.
Row ttk Boi thell In thdl. *ch 2.
»c in not ch-4 sp. ch 2. thdl In not <h-4 tp. nrp front • acrota. endinjt with thell in latt thdl. tum Kow 11: Bej} thdl in thell. (ch 4 thell in not thdl] rep acrott. tum.
Row 12: BcR thell in thdl. ch 2. tc in not ch-4 tp. ch 2. 'thell in not thell. ch 2, tc in nett ch-4 sp. ch 2, rep froni * acrott. tum Row IŁ Best thdl in thdl. (ch 5. thdl in not tHdl) 4 timo, ch 5,8 dc m nut tlwll. (ch 5. thdl in not thdll 5 łuno. tum
Row 14: BcR thell m thell. ch 3, tc m not d^5 >p. ch 3. '{thell in not thell. <h 3, k in not <h-5 tp. ch 3 " | 3 timu thdl in next tlidl. ch 3. tc m not ch-S sp. (dc. ch 11 m each of not 7 dc. dc in next dc.«in not ch-5 tp. eh 3, rep from ' to " 4 limes, ihell in lart thell
Row 15: Bejl thdl in thell. ch 5. (thdl tn ne«t thdl. ch 5) twłcif. 7 dc m not thell. Ch 5. thdl ui rxM thdl. ch 3. (tc. di 3) in each of not 8 dc. thdl m not thell. ch 5.9 de m not thell. (ch 5, thell in not thell) 3 time*.
Row IftBcRtlidl tnsticfl.ch3. Kin not ch-5 tp. ch 3. 'thcłJ ui ixxt ihell. ch 3 tc m not ch-5 tp. ch 3 *. thell in not ihell. ch 3 tc in not eh-5 tp. (dc. ch 1) ineachcf not 8 dc. dc m nal dc. tc m ncxt dt*5 sp. ch 3 thdl in not thdl ch 3 (tc. ch 3) in each of not 7 Center ch-3 tc® cf pmtapple, ch 3. thell in not thell. ch 3 tc in nod <h-5 tp, (dech 1 (in each cf ocxt6dc.dc mncU dc. tc| in n*od ch-5 tp. ch 3 rep from ' to ' twice. thell in laił thdl. tum
Row 17: BcjJ thell tn thell. ch fi. »< dc in nal thell. ch 6. JM theil in nett thełl ch 3 (te, ch 3] io each cf not 7 dc, ch 3 Al thdl tn not thdl ch 3 (k. ch 3] m och <f nol 6 ch-3 tp* of center poyappie. ch 3 dN *hdl ui not thdl ch 3 »»c. ch 3J in each cf nett 9 dc. ch 3 dN thdl m nett thell di 6.11 dc in not thdl ch fi. thdl in latt thdl tum
Row 18: BcR thdl m thell. ch 3. tc in nolch-fitp. (dc.ch 11 in cach cf nol 10 dc. dc m not dc. tc in not ch-6 tp. ch 3. theil in fint ch-2 tp <f not dbl thdl thdl in not dv2 tp of same Al thell ch 3 (tc. ch 3J in each <f nol 8 center ch-3 tpt of pćneapptc. ch 3 »heB m each dt-2 tp ef not Al theil, ch 3. (tc. ch 3) in each ef not 5 center ch-3 tpt cf nineapple. thdl m each ch-2 tp fi nol dw thdl. ch 3, (tc. ch 3| in each cf not 6 center ch-3 sp* cf not nincapple. thdl in each ch-2 tp ef nol dw thdl ch 3 k m nol <h-6 tp. (dc. ch 11 m cach cf nexl 5 A. dc in latt dc. tc tn rwet <h-6 tp. ch 3 thdl m latt thell. tum.
Row 19: Ch 3. Sctf thdl m thell ch 3. (tc, ch 3j in each of nol fi A. thell In not thell, tum hc* thell ui thell. di 3 (tc. ch 31 łn each of not 5 cen ter <h-3 *pt of ptncappJe. <h 3. thell in thell tum.
Corńmue in etlahfrthed poUem for 4 nx«rc roto until 2 thdl* rem. thell in each thdl ch 3. tl tt ni (ceicf A cf thell on prerio* row (Rft. 1). (atten cłL
O X fw*. *
tetamew «0 OO
Kot pinoppJc
Altach thread vnth a tl it In not *łxll on Row 13 rep Row 1 of firtt pmeapptc of pineapplc Kfłłe. hejt at' and hjttng apprcprute number uf (tc. ch 3! rept in each rvw. Fćnult as for Row 10.
Rep for a total ef 5 piitcapples.
2 Wmmli Kwtttu • HmmWWMiIMHl Ina Mn «.'!<