

Section 11.6 / Surfaces in Space


\BLE 11.1 Quadric Surfaces


(laicuih tl hv Mntluiimlnn


Parallcl to .vy-planc Para lici to .tz-piane Parallcl to yz-planc

x2 y2 z2 r/2 + b2 + c2



The surface is a sphcrc if a = b = c * 0.


Cmi-rnln! In Mdlhcmoliai

Hypcrboloid of One Sheet



•i: i! _ i!

+ l,! c2



Ellipsc Uyperboi a I lyperbola

Parallcl to .ry-piane Parallcl to ,vz-planc Parallcl to yz-piane

The axis of the hypcrboloid corrcsponds to the variable whosc cocfficicnt is negative.



Ilyperboloid of Two She. 'v

.    ł    <

Z'    .V"    V"

a2 h2 Piane

Parallcl to vy-piane Parallcl to vr-piane Parallcl to yz-planc


Ellipsc I lyperbola I lyperbola

The axis ol the hypcrlx)loid corrcsponds to the variable whosc cocfficicnt is positivc. Therc is no tracę in the coordinatc piane perpcndicular to this axis.


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