Many Natlve American wof tr* ic<n ccrrtury wrcrte histonos of tholr tribcs
Atx»« Skctcho'. of Anctont H<stofy of fha Su Naboru (1827| was fho ftfs! putfotod trto* htstory
• Ono of tho txwt*kncNvn tarty tnPa) historians w»
(O/Owa) whote Jntćnonai Hataty anć Ctwoctonstic Shatchos of f/>o Onbway Halny) (1850) omphasł/m tfw importance of InOar onś history ,*rvj oxp&ra th»ł m»grrt6orłv mythn. fcr^ons gov**nm*#it language fxjni>ng jrvj rjam« of r*s natłon