A, S<un mciaod ary) |Xoy»a enlofod by btuM a i%oct<r\
0. Tubo ihruat iroo ploofal cnv<ty
Piolwieil utM
TochoKjuos lor Introduction ol Ch«»l Oramage Tubę1
HomotUI lochm^uo
TroćJr t1cłmiquo
A. Trocai and cannula Cusfted in-oogn mtorcowal anaea
0. Tiocar witrtdraan. t»be pa«cd i«1o cboit tfifougn cannuta
l fot pnoAZ-notCorai <?nd ot 310 mtonęaco at rvOcinv<ulaf l>n«)
2. fot Nwnothafax iSen inlofipaco ni iMdaxillary lino)
C. CanntAa witrwawn; tubo CbnniKłOd to indonralor vcal (»nn aoct-on 11 •ndrcalodl ,.—
I.IIOK V ItAll |7