1966 (6)

1966 (6)

BnuJifci >KII' fftftb prifrJfi'i .1 (uiijrt — nt» HiiMcn S.'aniltrd Snhui.


WKo says cconomy's a duli word? Not you. aftcr vou’vc samplcd thc ncw Turho-smooth powcr and silky ridc of thc thrifty ncw Standard Scdan. Or secn thc ncw good looks and spacious load aren of ehe low-priccd Standard Station Scdan.

Hoth ołłcr snperb comfort with softly-paddcd scats now attired in elegant ncw Sadlon uphol-stery that's duiablc and casy to cleni. And hoth arc roomicr than any other cars near their pricc. Running costs arc Iow as cvcr with a list of casy-carc fcatures long as yottr amt. Big self-adjusting brakes. Battciy-saving alternator. Anti-corrosion front fender inner panek Hxtcttdcd life c.\haust muffler. And all threc engines availablc featnre hydraulic valvc lifters tliat elitninate tappet adjiistmcnt, and a full-flow oil filter for 6,(XX) mile oil chauges. Thcsc Turho-stnooth Holdcns have cvcrything going for you — cconomically!

ll'm. Winni unWitr irtłJi folJ-up lype kdnJk titdktl drtpping partrlj in w HMimV rpnitnu resr (anpsrtmtnt .1 ample jeb.




Three mighty engines ... up to 145-hpl

Action, you ask? Now Holdcn tum* it on iii grcatcr mcasurc than cvcr bcfotc. With thrcc engines to choose from, cach one to go with mcrcased horsepower, high eomp pression rano. And cacli boasting a list of advanced enginccring rcfinenients that no other car anywhcrc near thc pricc can match.

□    A rugged scvcn-bcaring crankshaft that spclls thc diflcrcnce between averaee stnoothness and that superb Turbo-smootn-ttess that distinguishes Holdcn performance.

□    Hydraulic valvc lii ter* for cpiict running and climination of tappet adjustment.

□    Fuli (Iow oil fdter for 6,000-niilc oil changcs. a Haitcry-saving alternator.

□    New frcc-rtowing cxhaust system for a ncw standard of quietncss. This includes a large diameter tailpipc, shortened and deflcctcd downwardt, a ncwly designed muffler and resonator.

145-HP ‘X2’. Most powcrful cnginc cvcr produccd for Holdcn. Supcrbly cnginccrcd to

Erovidc sling-shot accclcracion, cxhilarating ighway cruising. And likc all I loldcn engtnes it has thc t|uietne*s of a ncw design cxhaust system. 'X2' option includes spccial instrument cluster with ammeter, oil pressurc and water temperaturę gauges.

126-HP ‘186’. Horscpowcr’s way up on this husky powcr unit! Standard on Premier and optional on all other model*, thc ‘186’ offers an cxtra margin of high performance for cjuick get-aways and high-speed cruising.

114-HP ‘161’. Morę eager liorsc* to get you movmg — same rcmarkablc oconomy to kccp you savmg. Likc its stablcmatcs. thc ‘16!* is designed for Australian condirions — and proven right lor Australian iiccds in millions of miles of Proving Grotmd driving.

FltBY »frio*man«3 of 'X2‘ co mes from rwin-etrituretton, higli-petfomuncc camshaft. spccial utlct/cxliaust mutifolds, plus ncw cxluust system. Al«> fcaturcs aluminium alłoy main bcarings.

Powirc.iide, smootbest automatu- traiisinisstun in tlić worltł. Mwideł ilic ultimatc in rclaxcd dtivitig. A specitl boon in thc hułtlc a mi hustlc of city triflic.



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