itfcłi« us*d a lot r. starting tri* stilcn pasem*, fi * usualy Oym wth one tornad - cifln i krów Hus «bert I staned. my 'wntecęe ol doOWe-needte nght-argle weave »?<! wfli me and I sSarted making ladttere wth rw ncedles II madę seose a re to da -y v>3y Jusl so I ccrt ofiend r*9 tradscnalsls out tocre. I w/i giee tte graphs tor Ihe Bena. *ay lo do koder slilcto ard my (tor me) ease- Yemco
[S^k •thread your nccdlc and wring t n*o beadt- Tin the thread in a knot l thr sit sidr by side.
t to Figuro 2-19. pass tho ; through tlw sccond bcad.
; on * tliird bcad. pass the nccdlc i through the secoiuł bcad. and i the third.
krrng on a fouith bcad, pass back t the third, and tlien the . CootłlHic in this manner umil : reacli your doired kngth
FęA* 2-20 (Stów łircye P«S ńe a«ft *HuU W >yt vcv.‘( ul:
[ I lace j ncedk on c*vh end of yciur ! and swing two on one r and pass the KCOlul nredlc i tho las* bcad trom the : dir ci tiuli.
/ a third bcad on one ncedk pan the sccond itcedle through
- - m the oppositc dircction. as ijęure 2-23. Noto: The thread
: thown in two colon in tlić
- a.iration jo you can «e bow the passos back and turth through
Apni 22$ iUScu*! a mc san? Sirg nW luju Swut
Rgmt }-3i n (bn> u.p w? imtMpkbeaU, JTWfttrwm »ovj i*» aine no luKr* Ow ,"iny t«wai >iX' Aa«) n >tvy łM«e Urftf*m»nb-.-.V0S« o* cojcu ip jflsoy «r*y er wfctya*.
fguv i-3* fAtewłJ atews fiew fte u>.Vv tfWKJtaW afty flw otars
wtu,n ouwi Pal i*« eonu sf»x«tt> tpv oac-tyaa*
ntinuc in this manner until you -*r*ch the desirod length.