Rnd 8:0< 3. mi co;1’ ch 2 >r.d m och
dc. dc in not 3 iti. (2 dc -n next it. dc *n not 4 iti) 4'Ourtd. jO>n wrth ilp ii to fint de- 124 de
Rndi 9 and 10: Sopot Rrxh 3 and 4:93 dc and 31 ch-2sp»
Rnd 11: Itepcit Rnd 8: W8 dc
Rndi 12-14: Rapoat Sn<v not
176 dc
Rnd 1: Oi 4, de mi samo st. ch 1. skp nut 3 dc lic. cn 3. se) in no«t de. ch 1. Ap ncxi 3 de. * (d ch 1) 3 tinrvos m not dc. tkp noxt 3 dc. (ic. ch 3.
K) Ml not dc. ch 1. ikip not 3 dc. topeat from • atocnd. de m tamo *tas fait dc. ch 1; join with sfip It to Uli dc. liOitiand llOtps
Rnd 2: łatwa łichl
not 2 ch-1 ipi, (dc. ch 1) 3 imos *n rot <h-3 ip,
* s* p not de. (ic. ch 3, ic) m not de. ch 1. ikip not 2 eh 1 $pj. (dc. ch 1) 3 limo* in next <h-3 sp. ropoat fiom • a-ound. jc-n with dp ttlo fu U «
Rnd 3: Sp M «fir« ch 3 *p. ch 3.6 dc m «m* tpi ch 1, ikp not dc. ic mi not dc. ch 1. skip not 2 ch-1 tp-.. • 7 dc mi not ch-3 ip. ch 1. skip ncxl dc. K mi ncxt dc. <h pop not 2 ch 1 sps; fcpc-ai bom * j»ound; |Oin w>th sbp »t lo fir 11 dc. fn off
Row 1: light i-dc fadng andwortmg mi fro*
tocpi oł baginn ng ch. (fig. 1. pag* 21). join yarn with dp st mi marked ch; ch 3. dc m ncxt 3 chi. (lijp mm ch. dc m rot 4 chi) atound lo l«H < chi.
do not (obi: 59 dc.
Row 2 (Eyrkr tow): Qi 4, :u«n. tkp not dc. d. m not de, (ch 1. skip not dc. dc in not dc> a-our-d
Row Silumc noiking in dc and m chi.«
fest S iH. ch 3. (dc m not ch-1 ip and in not dc)
12 limo*. 2 dc in not ch-1 ip, dc mi not dc. (de in not ch-1 ip and m not dc) 12 Mnas. *cavo lait 4 słi unworked 52 dc
Row 4: Oi 3. tiMh. * ik.p no! dc. (d;. ch 2. dc) in not de. lip no! dc dc m not dc, fopoat from * aerois to lait 3 dc. ikp nol 2 dc. 2 dc mi :ait dc 39 dc and 12 ch-2 soi
Rowi 5-20: • !C.ch2
dc) m not dc. dc in not ch-2 ip; fopo.it from * aao» to Ust 2 de. skip not dc. 2 dc m lait de
f in.ih off oaying a long and for iowing
lfttah wrong ud« togothor. ‘od lait row of Hood in half Thrcad noodU with long end and wh.pititch top mam (F>g. 3. p»go 22)
Row 1 : • rightt-dc lac.ng.jon y«"
s’p «.n lamo « ai Łut dc on Row 3; ch 5. wodnng
in end of rowu. łkip fiut row, ic in not row, ch Si
(ikip not row. ic in not row. ch 5) acroil to Włt
2 rows, ilop lait 2 row*. lip łl m same m as Ust de
on Row 3 and in not ch-1 sp and ncxt dc
18 eh-S ips
Row 2: ;icinn«xtch-5ip. chS)ac»OM,
sc mi not dc on Eyoiet Row; 19 ch 5 ipi
Row 3: Ch 3. lip sl mi law dc on EyaUi Row •
4 de Ml fiut ch-5 vp. (ch 1. ic in not ch-5 lp. ch 1.
5 dc in not ch-5 ip) acrois. lip «in lait dc on Ey«Ut Row. *«iiih oif
Make a chan 28‘ (71 cm) long Bcgnn ng and ttndMig at c*nt*r front. w»avw Tp throogh Cyclet row