Fig /. Hair Placcmcnl
Rnd 9: Ch 7. tr in ncxt tr, (ch 3. u m ncxt ti) 3 dnu-s, ch 2. sk ncxt ch-3 sp, dc m nc\t ch-3 sp. ch 2. * I tr in next tr. (ch 3, n in nexr tr) limes, ch sk uext ch-3 sp. dc in nc\t ch-3 sp. ch 2 tt: «P from * 3 times morę.
(u in ncxt tr. ch 3) 4 times. dc in ncxt tr. ch 3. hdc in ncxt tr. ch 3, sc hi ncxt tt. ch 7, u. in ncxt sc. ch 7. sc ttt ncxt tr. ch 3. hdc in next tr. ch 3. dc m next tr. (ch 3. tr in ncxt tr 4 inne.', ch 2. sk next ch-3 sp. dc hi ncxt ch-3 sp, ch 2. rep óom tto ttf* ames: join with sl st to fourth ch ot beg ch-7.
Rnd 10: Ch S. sl >i in fifth ch (roni hook. ch 4. * (tr in next tr. pic ot. ch 4) 5 limes, dc in ucxt tr. picot. dl 1. sc in next dc. ch 1, dc ui next ti, picot, ch 4; rep trom * (> times morc, itr iii ncxr tr. picot. ch 4) 3 limes, dc in ncxt dc, picot, ch 4, hdc in nexr hdc. picot, ch 4. sc in next sc. picot. (ch 7, sc in next sc) lwice, picot. ch 4. hdc in next hdc picot, ch 4. dc in ncxt dc. picot. ch 4. (tr in ncxt tr. picot, ch 4) 3 limes, dc in ncxt tr. picot. ch m ncxt di. ch I. t dc in uext tr. picot, ch 4. (tr in ncxt tr. picot. ch 4) 3 tiincs. dc in ncxt ir, picot, ch l. sc in ncxt dc, ch 1 tt- rcP h°n' f to ft 3 umes moro; join with sl st to third ch of beg ch S: fiimh off.
Stare hmg
The Cencerpiece Angel requires sntłcning process For detailcd instruciious on starching ciocheted ptojecis. tead Słupc Upf in Newsletter 2
Use tuli strength coimncrcial (abrie uiflcner For best rcsults. pour stiffener into zip-top plastic ług. place cro-dietcd iteim into bag. and let soak owrnight.
Cower ironing boanł or biot king bourd with plastic wrap. Place bowl upside down on cardboard Plac e tumie! on top ot* bowl and tape in place to prcvent fiuinel trom shpping. Cover all with plastic wrap.
(>>vcr plastic tooin egg willi fabric so that (abne open-ing is at 5 cud of egg: cover with plastic wrap
Kcmowc cmchcted picces 1 at a nmc imm sotTcning sołunon Squcczc to remosr cxccss solution and błot with towd.
Płace egg inside Body. widc end tirst.
Place Skin ovci funnd and bowl, pinning Skin to cardboard at regutar imervals.
Ttc 8" length ofthread tightlv arotind neck. secure and cut emls. Tie thread around ssaw to same width as Body. secure and cut ends.
Cower perwik with plastic wrap and place Słeew over peneth
Starch and shape Wings in form ofhran.
I et al! itetns dry complctcly before tcmovmg pms. Re moce bafls trom SIccsts by brcaking them with crochet hook. IŁcmosr fabric-covcrcd egg trom Body.
Cut appmximately > (7") icngths ofColor A for hack. Cm appn.ixunardy 100 (13") lengrhs ofColor A for «dcs Diwide back hair into 3 grps. With Kuk of Angel tacing. apply ghie aciuu top of head (l ig. I, linc A) and place cud' of 1 grp of back hair aloug glue linę (hair towards you). Hołd in place umil glue dries Rep along hnes B and ( (Fig. I) w uh other 2 grps
Apply glue trom center of głucd edge of back hair to desired płaceniem of hairline on face (about Vs down Head) along linc 1) (Fig. 1). Fold hair for sides in luli to fiml lenter and place center along glue linc with hair falling to both sides of Head Apply morę glue on top of hair along glue hnc. allowing glue to soak in. With tootll-pick. pms down along glue Hne to form part
Usang photo as guide, style hair. Apply hairspr.w to hołd stwlcd hair. Inni ends.
With smali paintbrush, apply blosh to chceks.
Tracę cyda&hcs (Fig. 2) onui traćmy papci Posicion on Angel s face; mark corners and ends ofhshes with pms. Caretulły remów rracmg paper. Cut picces ot thread to same length as laslles. With twrr/ris. puli <-a tiuead through glue and place on face, rcmowing pms.
Cut mouth from satin ribbon and glue in place
Place 31length of 'V' ribbon around want and glue m place, sccui ing ends at back
Make bouquet with silk flowers.
Usmg photo as pLaccmcnt guide, glue dccves to sides of Body.
Place 2" length of W' ribbon around ca Slccve and glue ui place, sccunng ends at back.
Glue bouquct to Angel
Tie 3 (32") Icngths of łfe" ribbon into bows and glue 1 to ca Slccwe and to bouquet.
Tie 3 (28*) Icngths ofV«" riblion into bowj and glue 1 to ca baw on Sleevcs and to baw on bouquet
C Hue ribbon rosę to ca bow on Slccwcs.
Glue Wings t«> back of Body.
Usmg pre-strung bcads. dupę Halo and głuc u* Head
Fig 2: Paciał Fcatura
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