81746 vanna christmas traditions

81746 vanna christmas traditions



I >-15 yds whitc bcdspread weight cottou ihreid iy.it: 10) tor ca snowflake

Steel croehct hook, sirc 6 (1.50 mmi, or sizc ttcedcd fot gjugc

.Starchmg matcnals; Conimorcial tabnc stiffciicr. tracing paper. waterproof markmg pen, '.nuli and medium bowlc, ’ T fl.ii pamtbrush. plastic wrip, rust-proof pm\, cirdboard, email round bałloora (urnntbtcd)

Tramluccnt nylon ihrcad

Notę: Abbresunons are on p.»gr 4 ol " A)l About Crochct" Ncwdetter I. and tmtnictiom fot stitches are in your frcc booklet. “Crochet Bałics.'*


IH sc - 2*

Snowflake 1


Ch 8, join willi d st to lotni ting

Rnd 1: Ch 1, 12 vc in rmg; jom with d st to firn *r: 12 s-Rnd 2; Ch 3. dc ui s^tc >(. ch 3. sk ncxt sc. <^ic in ncxt sc. i h i. 'k ucwt sc) atenh*^ mm with sl st to thu^l ch or beg ch-3: 6 ch-3 sps Rnd 3: SI st in ncxt dc. cli I. * \k\Th1v. dc) m ncxt cHi-3 »p. (ch 4. d st in louilli ch from hook (pHot^M^dcl). < li Vwl st in fifih ch Ihmi hook, pic ot. (ck, hdc, st) ni safm^sp, ch' rep froin * arourtd; jorn with d st to tiret sc, titush o?


Rnd 1: Jom chrcad with 'I »t iii arty ch-3 sp: di l. wełu sanie sp. ch 2ll looscly. >k iwm 2 s h-3 s|»\, si hcftrst ch-3 sp. ch 20 loosely; havingsecond on oppodtc ode ot first ch 2l). join with sl st ro-rfrst sc.

Rnd 2: Ch I. working in eayi?^Snd m e» ch arouiMS, sc ni fint 3 st*. 2 sc in ncxt sytfc in ncxt (> rts. 2 sc nyiicxt st)

5 etrnes. sc in last 3 stajom with d st to tiret sc. 48 si Rnd 3: < h 3 | counts as fint dc |. Je iii nc\t 2 sc. ch 2, sk nc*xt si. s» in next w. ch 2, * sk ncxt sc, dc in ncxt 5 sc. ch 2. sk next sc. SC in next sc. ch 2: rep tirom * around to łasi 3 sc. 'k next sc. dc in last 2 sc; jom with si sr to first dc: 30 dc.

Rnd 4: Sl st m ncxt dc, ch 3. dc in ncxt sk. * | ch 3. (sc. picot. sc) m ncxt w. ch 3. dc in nc\t 2 dc, picot, ch 7. d st in łifth ch from hook, ch 6. sl »t in fourth ch front hook. sk next dc tf, dc in next 2 dc; rep from * 4 times morę. and then rep from j to -j-f iwe niote; join with sl st to third ch of beg ch-3. łintsh otT.


\hx 2 ounces stifTeuei csiih 1 cniiu-e water m snuli bowl

Tuce lines nffigmr Oli (his page with pen on tracing paper. nurk symbols and dotted Ime for slot. Cut '/*" dot in cardboard and tracing paper. pbcc paper ovcr card boatd. nutchmg dots. Cavcr with plasric wrap and cut slot in wrap; place uver medium bowl.

Slidc outer scction of snowflake imo dot; pin innci sec-tKin iii płace, makiiig curwd parts unoofli, straigłit parts straiglu. and svmnuirical parts withm snowflake equal. Pamt starchmg mixturt onto mner scction. Let dry. Slidc inncr scction mto słoc pin outer sectiotl in place Pamt suiching mixturc onto outer scction. J.ct dry

Make lp liangcr using tramluccnt nylon thnrad.

Snowflake 2


Ch 10. join w ith s! st to form ring.

Rnd 1 (rs): Ch 4. 4 tr in ring, ch 3. (5 ir in rmg. ch 3)

> times. jom with sl st to fouilli ch ofbcg ch-4: 30 sic Rnd 2: Cli I. st m same si. * ~ hdc in ne\t ir, dc in next tr ch I. sl sl in top of dc just madc. hdc in ncxt tr. sc in next tr, m nen ch 3 sp w\»rk (sc. ch lO^jl st in sownth ch from hook md m next 3 chs. sc)    ncxt tr; rep trom *

4 tniH^ mott. and tlicii n^elruitt f to tt ottce morc: jom wittr sl \t to first sc

3: Ch l/«) same st. * f ch 3, sc in ncxi ch-4 sp.

4. slsun top of sc | ust nudę, ch 3, sk next hdc. sc in 'ne>rv. cli 3. in next ch-h sp ssork (4 sc. ch 6. sl st in 'sixth ch from hook. W ch 3. sk ncxt sc ft- ^ »n noxt rep from "* I Umes morę, and then rep from f to ff .otKismiorc; join with d st to firsł sc. fimdi ofT

1 and 2: Wotks^une as ńrs; suk Rnd 3; Ch I. sc in s.une>tv* t ch 3. sc in ncxt ch-4 sp. ch 4. slN\t m top ofsc just made^h 3. sk next hdc. h in ncxt sc. ni 3. 4 sc in ncxt ch-d sp.^h 3. with \s^ mg, sl si in ch-6 sp on corresjionding ip of first side, ch 3. sl st in sixth ch from hook, 4 sc in same sp. ch 3. sk iioxt sc tt-sc in ncxt sc; rep from * 4 times moir. and then rep from f to tt once morę; join with sl st to first sc, fmish olV


V1i\ stifTenei as for Snowflake 1, Puch balioon through beg rmg of snowflake; inflate to fili snoss tlake; tte cnd. 1’aint starchmg mixturv onto all of snowlbke excqx ccntcrc and joinings. Lct dry; remów balioon. Press cen ten together; pin if necessary. Pamt stirching mtxcurc onto rest ol snowflake; jct dry. l ift inncr point* to shape.

Make lp hanger ustng tranduccmt nylon rhrond

,«1| .MllOJt KKMI1X( ) t,./, J.1    I fJtltf/-) !•/«. UPtjfify ttpuur_l


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