vanna christmas traditions 

vanna christmas traditions 

White Christmas


Approximatcłv 10-20 yds bcdsptead weigitt cotuni thrtad lor ca Snnwfbkc

Steel crochct hook, »irc K (1.25 min)

Srarching marenab: Sttffcning solution, cracing paper watrrptuof nttrking pcił, pblK wrap. ruu-proof ptus. and white or iMwlucait nylon thread

Snowflakc 1

Rnd 1: (Ch 11. ii« iii clcvcnth eh front hook} 6 times. jam with sl st to tirst ch ot'tirst lp. fimsh ofF 6 Ips Rnd 2: |oin threud with sl et in any !p; ch I, 3 sc m same lp. ch 3. (3 sc m ncxt lp. ch 3) around: join w uh sl st to

fimsr. IR te.

Rnd 3: Ch 1. sc iu same st and in next sc. (ch II sl« in dcwnth ch from hook) 3 wnet. sc m same \c and in next sc. ch 3, * sc in ncxi 2 *c. (ch U, 4 « in eteuenth ch front hook) 3 limes, sc in ume sc and in next sc, ch 3; rep from * around; join uith sl « to first sc. 18 Ips.

Rnd 4: Sl er in ncxc m and iii ncM 5 thv eh I. v in same lp. * f ch 5, (u. ch 1. hdc. ch I. dc) in »e\t lp. eh 4. sl st in fourrh ch front hook. (dc. ch 1. hdc. ch l. te) m same lp. i h 5 j-j-, u in in-XI 2 Ips; rep from * 4 times monę, .md then rep tron; f to tt once, SC m last lp: join with sl st to tirst te, timsh ott.

Snowflakc 2

Rnd 1: (Ch 11. sl %t in clevcmh ch finm hook; 6 limes join with sj st to first ch of tirst lp. fintsh off: 6 Ips Rnd 2: Join thread with sl st in any lp eh I. 3 sc m same lp, eh 1, er in next sl st, eh 1. (3 sc ui next lp, ch 1. tr in nc.M sl st. eh I) around; join with sl « to lirst sc: J8 sc Rnd 3: < )h in ume u and in next si, (eh 11. d sl ta elevench ch from hook) 3 wnet. sc in samr sc and in next sc, ch 3, * sc in next 1 sc, (ch 11. sl st in elevenrh ch tram hook) 3 times. sc m same sc and in next \i, ch 3; rep from * around: join wteh sl st to tirst sc, fintsh Oli.


Rcatł Shapc Up' (Newslctter 2) for detatlcd infornution on starehtng

Make bloclang pat for ca Snów llake by laymg tracing paper ovrr Blocking Diagram and drawing lines with waterproof marking pen. Lay Hocking pat on irontng boanl or blocking boanl. covcr with płatne wrap. Wet Suowflakr in elear water. squecic to remove exccv* water. Immerse it in stifłening soiution: squcczc again to remów excess.

PłłCC over blocking pat; pin in place, making sute curved parts tre smooth, srraight parts are straight. and symmetn-cal contponcntt within Snowflakc arc equal. Let dry

Make lp hanger using transluccnt nylon tltreacL

I-06058 *TOUJ»r,|

,'u| mw|^ ioniu\< > 'M+,|    laiuMnj i*tpog) rur    '.««** |

Blat king Diagram


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