74295 vanna christmas traditions

74295 vanna christmas traditions

Christmas Tradjtons 15

Centerpiece Angel <continu«ł)

rowti c«0 <A 11 m    '6

Notę: ln rnds I4 and K» only. work pico* a*, tołls:

Ch 5. sJ st m top ofstjust madę.

Rnd 14: SI st ni ncxt tr and m ńrvr ch-2 sp. ch 6. tr in same sp. (ch 2. tr in same spj 3 times. * | cli 5. (dc. picot. ch 3, dc. picot) m next ch-2 sp. ch 3 tf. tr »n ncxt ch 2 sp. (ch 2, tr iii umc sp) 6 times; rep fiwn * 9 tnuc' ntotc. and thert rep front | to tt oncc; join with sl vt to fourth ch of beg ch-6.

Rnd 15: Ch 7. tr in next tr. (ch 3. tr in ncxt rr) 5 times. ch 4. dc in next ch-3 sp. ch 4. * tr in next tr. (ch 3. tr in ncxi u 6 times. ch 4. dc in ncxt ch 3 sp. ch -I: rep trom * arouitd. join with sl u to fourth ch of beg ch-7.

Rnd 16: Ch 8. sl st in fifth i h ftom hook. ch 4. (ti in next tr. picot, eh 4) 5 times. dc in next tr. picot. ch 3. sc in ncxt dc, ch 3, * dc in ncxt tr, picot. ch 4. (tr in next tr, picot. ch 4; 5 times, dc in ncxt tr. picot, ch 3. sc in next dc. ch 3; rep tirom * around: join with sl st to third ch of beg ch-H: finisłt off.


Ch 4. join with <1 si to form rine.

Rnd 1 (rs): Ch 10, picot, eh 2, * rr in ring, ch 6. picot, ch 2; rep trom * S times moro; join with sl >t to fourth ch ofbcgch-10: lOpicotó.

Rnds 2-4: Ch 10. picot. ch 2. * tr iii next ir, ch 6. picot, eh 2; rep fn>m * around; join with sl st to fourth ch of beg ch-10.

Insert foam bali onertd with plastic map.

Rnd 5: Ch 3. (tr in ncxt tr. ch 1) around: join with sl st to fourth ch of beg ch-5.

Rnd 6: Ch 4. tr m ea tr around: join with sl st to fint tr Rnds 7-12: Ch 3. dc in next st and iii ca 't around; join with sl st to top of beg ch-3. Finish off


Ch 4, join with sl st to form ring.

Rnd 1 (rs): Ch 5 (tr in ring, eh 1) 7 times, 5 tr m ring, ch I, (tr in ring. eh 1) 7 limes.; join with sl st co fourth ch of beg ch-5: 20 sts.

Rnd 2: l. h 7. (ir m ncxt tr. ch 3) 6 times. dc in ncxt tr, eh 3, sc in next 5 er. ch 3. sic in next tr, ch 3. (tr in ocxt tr. eh 3) <> times: join with sl st to fourth ch of beg ch-7:

16 ch-3 'ps,

Rnd 3: Cii 4. (er. ch 3. tr) msunę st, (2 ir. cli 2. 2 tt) in ea ot nc.st 3 tr, (2 tr. ch 4. 2 tr) in ea of nett 3 tr. (2 dc. ch I.

2    dc) m next dc. ch 5. sk nexr 2 te. sc m ncxt sc. eh 5.

(2 dc. ch 1,2 dc) in ncxt de, (2 tr. eh 4. 2 tt) in ea of ncxt

3    tr. (2 tr. ch 2. 2 tr) m ea ofncxt 3 tr: join with sl >t to fint tr.

Rnd 4: SS st in »cxt tr and in firn ch-3 sp. ch 4, (tr, ch 3.

2    tr. ch 1 > in same sp. (2 tr, eh 2. 2 tr, ch 1) in ea ołnext 3 ch-2 sps. (2 tr. ch 4, 2 tr. ch I) m ea of tk-xt 3 ch-4 sps.

{2 dc. ch    1.2    dc)    m    ncxt ch-1    sp.    ch 6. sc m ncxt sc. ch 6.

(2 dc. ch    1) lwice    in    ncxt ch-l    sp.    (2 tr. ch 4. 2 tr. ch J) in

ca of ucxt 3 ch-4 sp\. (2 tr. eh 2, 2 tr, < h 1) iii ea of ucxt

3    ch-2 sps. join with sl st to fint tr.

Rnd 5: Sl sr in ne\t tr and m fint ch-3 >p. ch 4, (tr, eh 3,

2 rr) in same sp, ch fi. picot, ch 2, J(2 tr. eh ?, 2 tr) in ncxt ch-2 sp. ch ft. picot, ch 2| 3 times. |{2 tr. eh 4. 2 tr) m next ch-4 sp, eh 6. picot. eh 2) 3 times. sk next ch-1 sp.

(2 dc. eh    1.2    dc)    iu    nc.u ch-1    sp.    e h 7. k iii ncxt sc, eh 7.

(2 de. ch    1. 2    dc)    in    next ch-1    sp,    eh f>. picot, eh 2. j(2 tr,

eh 4, 2 tr) in uext ch-4 sp. ch 6. picot, ch 2j 3 times,

((2 tr. eh 2. 2 tt) ni next ch-2 sp. ch 6. picot, ch 2| 3 times; join with sl st to tint tr.

Rnd 6: SI st m noxt tr and m first ch-3 sp. ch 4. (tr. ch 3,

2 tr) m 'amc sp. eh 7. picot. ch 3. sk ncxt picot lp. |(2 u. ch 2, 2 tr) iii ncxt ch-2 sp. eh 7. picot. ch 3. sk iu\\t picot lpj 3 times, f{2 tr, ch 4, 2 tr) in m*xt ch-4 sp, eh 7. picot, ch 3j 3 times, (2 dc, ch 1,2 de) in next ch I sp. ch 8. sc in next sc. ch 8. (2 dc. ch 1.2 dc) in next ch I sp eh 7. picot, eh 3. |(2 tr. ch 4. 2 tr) in ncxt ch-4 sp, ch 7, picot. ch 3) 3 times. |\k nexi picot lp. (2 u, eh 2, 2 tr) in ncxt ch-2 sp. eh 7. picot. ch 3j 3 times: join with sl st u> first tr. Rnd 7: Sl st m next tr and in first ch-3 sp ch 4, (tr, ch 3,

2    tr) in same sp ch 9. (2 er, eh 2. 2 tr. eh 9) in ca of nexr

3    ch-2 sps. (2 tr. ch 4. 2 tr, eh 9) iii ea of next 3 ch-4 sps. (2 dc. ch 1.2 dc, eh 9) in next ch-1 sp. sc iii ncxt w. eh 9. (2 de, ch 1.2 dc. cli 9) m »cxt ch-1 sp. (2 ti. eh 4. 2 ir. ch 9) m ea of next 3 ch-4 sps, (2 tr, ch 2, 2 tr. eh 9) in ea of next 3 ch-2 sps; join with sl st to first tr.

Notę: ln rnds 8 and 10 only, work picot as folk Ch 5, sl st in top of" st jutt rnadc

Rnd 8: Sl st in ncxt er and tn first ch-3 sp. ch <>. tr in same sp. (ch 2. ti m same *>p) 3 times, * \h 3. (di, picot. eh 3) twa e m center ch *»f next lp. tr in next ch-sp, (ch 2. tr in same sp) (> times, re*p front * O times morr. ch 9. sc in ncxt w. ch 9, sk ne.\t eh 9 sp. | tr in next ch-sp (ch 2. tr in same sp) f> times, ch 3, (dc. picot, eh 3) twice in center of nexc lp tf. rep (tom f to tt ««mcs morę; join with sl st to fourth ch ofbcgch-6.



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