U*ng diagram M a gude (o» płaceniu and wth fight -jdoiiat '19. •••-«    i'-, tog#'''*-


O 74(74 80)

Row1t!». cocord ch'tom hon-« • ch ?. -,*.p ncxt 2 chi. v«>i(t V-St in next ch, ch Z sk-p next 2 Chi te m n*At ch. i*p**l łcom * .<c'Ołt 12I12-13) V-St» and 13(13-14) *c

Row 2 ht C " 4 (countt M fełl tr). >

(«o«k Ckrttot. ch 1) 3 tim*» m *ach V-St (ch-2 ip) acrpii to Uit V-St. iwk |Ouiio». [ch 1. Cmicc) tw«t) tr> Ust V-$t. t( m l*M JC 36136-39) OuHCfi and»|3S38) eh-1 ip»

Nota: loop a ihcct poco of yam around any it.tch to rnari Rem 2 a rtght d*

Row 3: Ch V tum; i< .n ł»it tr, ch 1. (tc -n orxl ch-1 »p. ch t) acroti. vc -n l»t t»; 37(37-40) %c and 36(36 39) ch i tps

Row 4: Ch 3 (count* *i fict* dc) tum. di mfuf. ch-1 if>. [ch 1. dc in ocal ch-1 »p) accoit, dc >n >*tt tc 38138-41) dc and 35(3S-38) ch-1 tpt

RowStCh 1. tum. ic n f.rudcch 2. dup n*xtd:.    Inłfruchoot contmuod ev> pago 17

•vo-k VSt m n*xt dc. ch 2. * tkip noxt ch i tp. iC -n

n*xt ch-1 »p. eh 2. Jkip no»t dc. work V-St *n noat

dc. ch 2; repcat (rom * acro»i to Uil 2 dc. dp

nc.t dc. tc .0 last dc. 12(12-13) V-Sw and 13(13-14)


Row» 6-16: Repcat Rcws 2-S Wnw. th* »*ccat Ront2-4o-... moc*

F«v»h of<


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