Aches and Palni
An ache U a continuom* uiuolly nor vlolent, pain, *Ihe eapifulon athei»md panu b u*cd to descrlbc sllglit lensatlom of palu wlileli ate mu lomldered (ti hi #9110111 lt refem to minor dłicomfort* and palni, es|tedally (n the mmi la*. Iliere ara altu noum formed with -ache. headachet eahu4se% backatbe, ttmnarhmhe and Haikaikii (Remember chat hcartache li not a symptom o( hearl diicdae but describea leeling* u! extreme sorrow, espccially eauscd by the ulli or ahieme td snineotte luved), Iii Hritlali Englłsh, thesc nouns arc uncountable whffft tliey describe a utndiilun ot a #mip and eicher countable or uncountable wben tliey refct to a single aitai k id palu. Headd^he is always a countable noum In American lingllsh, smh 1101111# ate alway# tftaHNl a* countable* both wben tbey mcan a single attdtk o( palu and wlien tltey teler m a conditlon. The verb to ache mcam co sufler a continuum, but not vlolent, palm
Pain (uncountable) tticofts wflćrlog or gitar dUinmfoit ol the body. In COflfratf to a duli sensatlon descrlbed by aching, a pain I# a tharp wmatkm ol dl#M>ndittt ot suffcring In a partlcular part óf the body. A tłufłpain may be alitu dfWflbfd h* stt aching pain. The adjectlvc painful meaitg tauitlug pain, litr idjtttlvt *tn* meam pa infuł or aching from a wound or łnfecilon, Mmcles betonie no# bom haol ma. A sort is a painful* i 11 Fecied place on the body* llke a ntW tott 01 a bed wre \pf€MUTM sort). To hurt rncans to Injure or tamę physkal pain tu a part ol tbe body, but aiso to producc a fcellng o( pain. Cłolic {tolicky pain) itfliirt to au atute, pinoaysmal abdominai pain* lilcc hłliary cotit,
A spasm is a sudden painful eoiuuutitm ol a imiacle and a t tnmp (etampy pain) is a severe pain from Involumaiy spasm In tbe uuisi les (stumneh nampi, iwntpy ab dominat pain). A stitth Is a iharp palu In tbe aide, usually laused by runiliitg whlle the noun twinge refers to a sudden sharp attack ol palu, I be Word dimufim I# ollen used to describe slight pain. Tender mcans abnormally semltlve to mufli 01 pf«IUff, Pcople deuelop, have%fiel or experienee (a)pain ot tufftifmm (a)pain Ute nim ul rreatment is to controh ease, alletdateot rW/etvpaln, Palii may tange In Mwerlty limu ‘dght or mild to tnoderate to seifere. Wry sti*repain I# uften deuLtllml a# agonUOtg or excruciating or unhearable.
agonising * bad * bearable # boi Ing 9 bflef 9 bufiiiiig 1 toiltky 9 <000*00 continuous • cramping 9 crusbltig 9 dartlng 9 dreadful9 drlllłng 9 tiuli9 epfootik
• excrudating • ftequem 9 gnawlng 9 giipplng 9 Ititetoe 9 Inietutllie/u 9 bnitr libr
• lancinatlng • mlld 9 moderate 9 paroaysnidl 9 peilodk 9 pffftfffflf * jptóWfifrg
• pulsating • recurrcin • severe 9 sharp 9 sliori 9 spmadli 9 uabbing 1 ittmly • suflbcating* throbbing 9 tlngllng 9 tiaitilem 9 (ugglng 9 uiibeatable
Where doe* eeoh of theso palu* orlglrwle or I# ffl souroe?
1. abdominal
2. angina!
3. articulat
4. cArdiac
5. wuiaticous
G. iacłiarmit 7. iminwulinkoleiśl
H. utyaltflt V iieuralglr
10. (oseotts
11. piianttmt pulu JJ. >adhułif
11 itlitlt H, siihMetiuil