The Pilgrims and America^ First Thanksgmng

The Pilgrims, who celebrated the first thanksgiying in America, were fleeing religious persecution in their native England. In 1609 a group of Pilgrims left England for the religious freedom in Holland where they lived and prospered. After a few years their children were speaking Dutch and had become attached to the Dutch way of life. This worried the Pilgrims. They considered the Dutch frivolous and their ideas a threat to their children's education and morality.

So they decided to leave Holland and travel to the New World. Their trip was financed by a group of English investors, the Merchant Adventurers. It was agreed thatthe Pilgrims would be given passage and supplies in exchange for their working for their backers for 7 years.

On September 6,1620, the Pilgrims setsail from Holland on a ship called the Speedwell. The Speedwell sailed to England to join up with the Mayilower. The two ships began the voyage but the Speedwell leaked so badly it had to return to England. The 102 passengers regrouped on the Mayilower and it set sail.

_At first the weather was good, but then

came "many fierce storms. The screaming wind, tossing the Mayilower, terrified the Pilgrims. They became exhausted. They were chilled to the bonę. Waves of icy water would splash over the ill and frightened passengers, tasting like tears, their hearts pounding as mountains of water pounded the tiny ship. Water crashed about everywhere, and the foul smells reeking among the huddled people madę them all sick. It was almost impossible to sleep and ragged nerve begged for rest.

_There were no oilskins or rubber

for the crew or the passengers. The nly way to dry out when they got wet was wait until the sun came out People


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