Tumourtype Clear celi Papillary (type I + II) Chromophobic Oncocytic Collecting duet1 2 Histology1
Incidence (% of all RCCsy
Genetic mutation’
BHD = Birt-Hogg-Dubć; FH = fumarate hydratase; VHL - von Hippel-Lindau
Reproduced (rom J Uroi. 170, Lmehan WM. et al. 2163-72, copyright (2003). with pemussion from the American Urotogical Association.
Molier RJ. et aL N Engt J Med 19S6;335:86S-75. 3. Charney DA, Tomasula JR. The Internet Journal of Pathology 2001:2(1). Reproduced with permission