25 (11)

25 (11)

Fantastic bird

Exotic flowers

Wing (.make rwo)


3    light blue (20 cm)

2 blue (20 cm)

2 pac green (20 cm)


2    light b-ue

4    bluc

3    jadę green Lang scrołls:

3 light blue

I bluc i ;ade green

Make rhc longllis of the scrolls ro your owr. teste.


Fye: tigh: eircle (2.5 cm black with 5 cm whitc} roiled inside o 7.5 cm blue triangle ter: loose scroll:

First layer

Lony scrolls ot pale pink, as in *.he paltem, glucd in rhe centro.

Second layer

Add uiid-pink scrolls. with several o: pale pink and rosę scattered throuyhcut. Graduate frorr. long scrolls nearly honzontai on tlse ends ro shortor, verticnl scrolls m the centro.

Add 5 green 1 cm pointed lengths under the łlower head for cnlyx.

The flowers arc linlshed with Iringed leaves cut tram green paper.

The branchćs are madę of mulliple strips ol paper straight rrorr. *Jic paoket, gleod at borh ends. 11 you want to łrame Ihis design, the ends o: Ihc fcranches can bo werkeri behind the im me.

1 light bluc (3 cm)

1 bluc (3 cm)

1 jadę green (3 crr.) Bvdy: margulses:

12 blue (7.5 cm)


Lang sc/o/fe; 6 blue

3    jadę green

4    Jight blue

for tli* iantostic hitó itnt: exotic: fimww sbawa on rhc rror.t covcr


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2011 03 03 25 11 Pandemie w historii S41CE,dłumrozszęi^si^Egipbj, poprzez
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