.create or replace trigger personal_data after update on dients for each row begin
dbms_output.put_line{'Check if all data are written correct');
create or replace procedurę price_bonus(v_proc number) Is
cursor v_cursor is
select name, id_service, price from sen/ices for update of price;
v_row v_cursor%rowtype; v_oldp number; v_newp number;
open v_cursor;
fetch v_cursor into v_row;
while v_cursor%found loop
select price into v_oldp from services where id_service = v_row.id_service; update sen/ices set price = price-(price * (v_proc/100)) where current of v_cursor; select price into v_newp from services where id_service = v_row.id_service;
dbms_output.putJineCPrice for setvice '|||i’ has changed from '| |v_oldp| to ’||v_newp);
fetch v_cursor into v_row;
end loop; dose v_cursor;
-this procedurę shows all the services and prices performed by a worker, -and if the price is lower than 10 it doesn't print the price
set serveroutput on;
aeate or replace procedurę worker_prices
w_name varchar2, w_sumame varchar2
cursor W_cursor is
select s.price, from sen/ices s inner join Workers w on s.id_worker = w.id_worker where = w_name and w.sumame = w_sumame;
w_row w_cursor%rowtype;
open w_cursor; fetch w_cursor into w_row; while w_cursor%found loop
if w_row.price > 10 then begin
Strona 3