strona jzh
stages or gum aisease
• Periodontitis occurs when the inflammation of the gums progresses into the deeper underlying structures and bonę.
• In the most common form of periodontitis, plaque (and sometimes calculus) is found below the gumline.
• The gums may feel irritated, appear bright red, and bleed easily.
• The ligaments holding the tooth in its socket break down and the gums puli away from the teeth, resulting in a periodontal pocket or space between the tooth and gum.
• The periodontal pocket deepens and fills with morę bacteria. Supportive ligaments and bonę start to show damage.
Moderate periodontal disease: notice the accumulation of calculus around the gumline. The gums are red, swollen and tender.
Calculus and plaque do not have to be evident to the naked eye for periodontal disease to be present. You need regular examinations performed by your orał health Professional to assess your periodontal health and determine if periodontal disease is active in your mouth.
After non-surgicai periodontal therapy (i.e. scaling). The gums have been restored to health. Notice the gums have receded, exposing the root of the tooth. This is due to the irreversible bonę loss as a result of previous periodontal disease. This can lead to tooth sensitivity.