Strona 4 z 4

Stages ot gum disease

•    When periodontitis progresses to the advanced stage, the gums severely recede (puli away from the tooth ); pockets deepen and may be filled with pus.

•    There may be swelling around the root and you may experience sensitivity to hot or cold or feel pain when brushing your teeth. This is due to the severely receding gums exposing the root surface.

•    As bonę loss increases, your teeth may lose so much support that they need to be removed to preserve the overall health of your mouth.

Advanced periodontal disease: further progression of periodontitis with major loss of bonę support. The teeth may lose so much support that they may be loose

Adult gum disease is usually not painful. It can progress slowly. You may not even be aware of it untii the advanced stages, when the tooth is in danger of being lost. Check your gums thoroughly and regularly. It is also important to go for regular checkups (at an interval scheduie determined through cołlaboration with your orał health professional, based on your own personal needs). Your dental hygienist can detect the early stages of gum disease, when it is the easiest to treat.

Protecting your periodontal health brings many benefits. You can chew with morę comfort. You can smile and speak with greater confidence. You can keep dental costs down by preventing further problems. A commitment to maintenance therapy is a commitment to better health.

The Wiseł om Tooth Home Page

lilustrations courtesy of Oral-B laboratories ©1997


Photographs courtesy of Dr. K. Grandhi





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