■    Cali ot ihe Pach (3/3)

When ih« jamy łedbyttvs commander has t«n r«d.<«l to 50% słrength ncreatas dafense ot ad łrocps b> 6%

■    Undymg fury (3/3)

Kormal attacks grant an aocatoiai 0 rago B Empty Fortress Slratogcm (3/3)

wwo tt» commander is sewmg » gam«n commanpąr. mcreases damag* dealt to attadung armas by 6%

B Impanatrabla Fortlfłcations (3/3) when ihrt commander u servrg as gani son commander. oamag• talon by tr* garmon from ffw attadong army is rtdjced by 6%

□    Impregnable (3/3)

Whcn th«s commander it ser.srg as gamscn commandar skd oamoge taken by Ihe gamson is rcduced by 13%

B Adamantine Wall* (3/3) inoeasas uatctrtoMr datansa by 15% «han tt>: commandar is servng as gamscn commander

□    City Guardian (3/3)

incraasas watchtcwer attack by 15% ntsen trw commandar tt semng as gamson commander

□    Nowhere To Turn (3/3)

Whan the commander is serssrg as garnscr commandar, grsnts an adMional 6 rag* estry Une the city is Mtacfced

□    Know Thy Enemy (3/3)

Whłe tras commandar is ser.iog as gamscn commarder. camag* reduetion ettect a erfianced by 9% /«■* gam son Bacomas s jrroundad B King* Guard (3/3)

woeeses gamscn attack. deiens* and healb> by 3% »%en tr»s commandar t sarmng as gamscn commanott (no effact

ntsen gomsonng ot*s)

O Dmnc Favor (S/S)

Whan thn commandar i$ sanwg as gam son commandar gives the gamscn a lO%chancetoreceveadamage-absorbmg sh*« (Damsgt f actcr 500 after bemg atucked

B klaster Armarer (1/3)

rthen troops kd b> Iluś temmarde'enltr MMe ncrnsei i»Vu Dy (151 CcmmarsMr vur UrMi%

m tunwng Slood (3/3)

Grant: an aa do cna! 6 ragę esan :nv frr. corrmandt treeps rr attacled ■ Testudo Fermaben (2/3)

No>mal treep altadcs hasa a 10% chante lo redu» al damage l*en by 10% Aarng »e nnt one seconO

Stat* v

AitjcI: 5%    I

Delense. 0.5%    B

Health: 2 5%    B

March S(**d. 0%    B




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