Trce Top Angel, Felicia

deslgned by Gass Stt*:ttOUt94tlll

Hłttftolfc Oic 225 >1 teći of wtttt bcdsptaJ-wetoht crttfice ttrud. Szc 7 stctó cfc<t»;l hook <or siu fo;ulrt»l fur qii>;u j. situII jmount uf fiotytnut fb4ii\l (fur lwjd|. on# 12* wt»t# ch*nfht tt*m |kc anm). rtJrtHn} Xr«1 h'rx>.nj *,ppl«. p05t«f toird kc CWP (tcc Startflhgk 3' x D* pfcce cf esraxord. s-ta 3 crafl palnc taah. and trafi gXi*. CJugf- 10 dc - P: 4 rcws = 1 *



Cn 4, jon wth a sl st to ferm rag

Rn* 1: Ch 3 (counts«flrst <k h tNs and rolc*lng mdsk *»rk 9 d: h ring; jcln «-> drd ch of boa ch-3 10 dc.

Rn4 2i Ch 3.2 dc In Wit dc. * <k In ne«t dc. 2 ćc n nert <k: rep frem * 3 tiiraes mer*:join in 3rd eti cf lwa cli-3.15 dc.

Rod 3: Cli 3. dc In >^niną st: 2 d: in neset ck: rep frem • 13 brnes mufc*.j:4:i n 3rd eh of beg ch-3:33 ck.

Rnta 4 througfi 6: Ol 3. ik m cach de around: jon h 3rd ch of

bcp ch-3:33 dr.

Rod 7: Ci 2 (carte as ttrsr scj. * v.rak d;c in raxt 2 dc .v. fol?**; i-«n hook łn nwt dc ard dra* throuflh (?. ips <n hook). rtsm r>^5k in re>T 6: and dra* through (3 Ips co teokj. TO and drew tftnoogh Ul Ips co hock (efce mad«?)isc ó ne.«t dc: ftp frorn * 8 bh>=s n*cr<*. \vork dw in r*xt 2 ćt;.uin in 2rd cli of beg ch-2.20 sc. Rnd 8: Ch 2; SC n each sl aiouYJ^in :n 2nd eh of beg ch-2:20 se. Rnd 9: Ch 2. x h nezt sc: * wk dec In nirrt 2 s: as fdCAS; ro«t .*wok in nart ic and dro»v thrcuęh |2 Ips er. bocfcX tactt hxk n nart sc and draw threogh |3 Ips nn fofMj, YO and draA-threegh dl Ips er. hrck |dcr mado); sc In r.vh cf nnet 2 5C; rrp fmm * 3 tJrr^s marc; v\wv. d« o r#wct 2 sc; jełn n ?.r>d eh of b*Q ch-2:15 sc: «ufT and shapo h{sxJ wfth po^^er flberfll Rnd 10: Ch 2: * iWfk <l« ih OfOrt 2 StS; SC O n?Xt St. ftp ffCOl # 3 timw mcfe.workdw in non 2 stsejoin In 2nd (hof    ch-2:10 sc.

Rnd 11| Ch 3 icojhts 4S frst dek <): In toch « 3ruunJ:;oh in 3nl Ch of teg ch-3:10 ćc^ i!o not fmsh off.


Rnd 12: Ch 3 (rounes as tnr. ck>. dc In Jnrlng st. ch I. 2 d: r. samclpning st |t«g dc-shol rradoh • In r*xt dt. v.cfk 2 dc. Ch I. 2 d: (dr-shrtl rmdoję rop freen • 8 tlnnąs rr«re jon o 3rd ch of teg ch-3:10 dc-shelst

Rnd 13i Ch 1. sl st In nwt dc zcA hto cn-15p. In same ch-1 sp. eh 3 (counts as dci. dc. ch 1.2 dc {beg dc-Sfdl mada):# in eh-1 sy of ne*t dc-shei. ł.voi4 2 dc. eh 1.2 dc <dc-sl>ei madeh icp freen • 6 limes rrcce.juh In 2<d ch cf Um; ch-3:10 dc-shelh Rnd 14t Ch 1. al it m r>»ct d: and nto eh 1 sp*. In mitk ch I :p v.cfk beg dc-shel in ch-l sp cf ckxz 2 dc-shdts wcck dc-shcl |2dc shclsmadc):fch I. och 1 spcCr^ic:d:-shtfl.*nrfcdc-sftll t: rep hom 1 ta 12 tm*jcs nxm: o ch-t sp of r.pit 2 dc-słwl^ vnjrk cc-shcr {2d:-5hffb mnd?): rep frocr. t to T tvtice i2 Ce-shets rrucokch 1; jełn In 3r<lchcf l>?gfh-3 lOdr-sWfóand 6. ch-1 <ps s*p*T3tingshctfs.

Rnd 1Si Ch 1. Sl St in not dc and oto Ch-1 sp-. m sam* ch-1 ip. eh 4 (couftts as trcX tre. ch 5.2 tre (beg tic-s^l rnadek In ch t ;p of neit d:-sl»dL werk 2 tre. ch 1.2 trć |trt shtil madB|: in eh 1 Sp of ne*t dc • shel l work tre -sheł I: f eh l.lnch-t spot n«ct drsheU. isork tre :hcl f: rep from t tn 12 tmer. mnrc: in ch-1 sp of no«t 2 dc-shdts. 'Aork trt-sbd |2 tre-sMB m*&). rtp trem t to t t-A>:c. :h I:)an in4thchcf bagch-4: ID trc-P*i?li53nd 6.ch-1 fps sepa-aung shrls.

Rnd 16: Ch 1, sl st Yt riPOrt tre And intoch-1 sp-. in san>? cf»-1 sp.wwk heg trc-Shdl in ch-1 sp of ne«t 2 tft sheb. -Aork tre-shell (2 tre-ShtUS model: t eh 1. in eh-! spof neit trc-shdl ss«cck tre shel t: rep fram I to I 2 tmn mxe-. t> ch-1 :p of nurt 2 tre shel* *aork trc-s!>dl t2 tre shcls mado|: rep trem 7 ta t t*At:c*. ch 1: jółn in 4:h ch ot bog ch-4:10 tre-^ts and G. ch-1 sps spparating shfłlę

Rnd t7: Ch I. sl st in r*xr tre and rto ch-1 sp. • eh S SC tetwecn iwt 2 tre-shofs. ch 5. sc in ch-1 sp cf ne*t tr:-s?»dl; rep frefn • 9 tmes n-ore eh 5. sc tówwn rusrt 2 iru-shels. ch S.;cn in lwa sl st in reit ch-1 sp. 20. ch-5 Ips: fimtfi off and w«ve n cndsc set «*>r. Mott: Tront and 8a;k of (Xrrbkcese an: •Atitre shrfls arr separdtedb/ch-l


Cli 22..uh Ailh a sl st to form ring

Rnd 1i Ch 3 icounts & frst d: in this ard foloAing mds>: dc In eachofnos 10ct&ch 1: dr :n cach of rx:>t 11 chs’ch hjor.in 3rd ch of teg ch-3? 22 d: and Z. eh I sps.

Rnd 2: Cn a d: n cach of nr.«t 10 d:. dc In rot <h-l sp <k in cich of rmx 11 d:. dc :n rwet ch-t spjtfn in 3rd ch crtifg ch-3: 24 dr.

Rnd 3: Ch a dc in oach dc 3fcuvl>0in In 3rd eh of beg ch-3 Rnd 4i Ch 3. dc h ne.rt dc. ch t: * d: in cach cf nert 2 dc ch 1: rep from • tO limes morę. jcin in 3:d ch cf bo:j ch-3:24 dc and 13 ch-1 sps.

Rnd 5: Cn 4 (counts as first dc ar«3 <h 1X óc h nert dc. ch 1. * r#xi ch-1 sp. • <dc in next ck. ch 1} tAke. sk ne«t ch-1 sp. rep frem • :0 tmes nwejon in 3rd ch cf teg eh 4:24 ch-1 sps Rnd 6: Si st mto roit ch i sp-. n samo ch-1 sp. eh 4 (coants a; tre). tre. ch 2.2 tre (beg trc-sheli rn«vfc); • «k r#9X 2 ch-1 sps. h oext f Ni sp. werk 2 tre. ch 2.2 tre (tre-sheO nvide}; rep frem • 6 trms mor* sk next 2 ch-1 sps.joi^ in 4th th cf bep eh 4:8 trc-iłiels. Rndi 7 through 0: Ch 1. si st in n?xt trt and into ch-2 sp In same ch-2 łp. wwk bcp tre-sheL * nch-2 spoć r.eit wrtt trrshril: rep ficni * 6 tiir-ei nwn!:ion ir. 4th eh cf bcę eh 4:8 tre shcls Rnd 10: Ch l. sl st In nert tre and into eh 2 sp: r. «me ch-2 sp work beg trc-shcll ch 1*.4 n ch-2 sp of Wit sh^r. wxk trc-shel. ch ł:rpprrom,6tin>wrrcreitfnjn4thchcftKg<h-4 8trc-sh«ls and 8. ch-1 sps

Rnd lii CM. $ st n ht*t tre and hto ch-2 sp: In sam? ch-2 sp woi* beg trc-sfte(l ch 2. • h ch-2 sp of nett shet. wirk tre-shei. <h 2. rep ffem4 6 thws irwe:>:ń In 4th chof beg eh 4:8 tic shcla and 8. ch-2 sps.

Rnd 1Ł Ch 1. sl st In ne«t tre and into ch-2 sp*. n samo ch-2 rsp v>xx* beg tre-shrti ch 3:4 n eh 2 sp nf noit 5hr»r. v>nrk trc^-SheCl. ch 3c rep frem4 6 tmnr. rTKm^obi h 4tb chofbeg ch-4:8 tre-Shetó and 8. ch-3 sps.

Conunuod o#i nett pąge



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