anjinho 1

anjinho 1

Tree Top Angcl, Fclicia

designed by Joan Glass

SIm: About 9" Wll

Materials: One 225 )<J bali of wbite bedspread welght crochet thread. Size 7 Steel crochet hcok (or siic rrąuired for gaugo). smali amount of polyreter flbcrflll (for head). one 12" wbite chenllle stem (for arms). starching and blocklng supplles. poster board for cone (for slarching). 3' x 3" piece of cardboard. smali craft paint brush. and craft gluc. Gaugc: 10 dc = 1': 4 rows = 1"



Ch 4. join with a sl st to form ring.

Rnd i: Ch 3 (coums as first dc tn this and following mds). work 9 dc in ring-, join in 3rd ch of beg ch-3:10 dc.

Rnd 2: Ch 3. 2 dc In next dc: * dc in not dc. 2 dc in next dc: rep from * 3 times morę: jdn in 3rd ch of beg ch-3:15 dc.

Rnd 3: Ch 3. dc in joining st: 2 dc in next dc-, rep from * 13 times morę: join in 3rd ch of beg ch-3:30 dc.

Rnds 4 through 6: Ch 3. dc in each dc around: Join in 3rd ch of beg ch-3:30 dc.

Rnd 7: Ch 2 (counts as first sc), * work dec in next 2 dc as fcllows: insert hook in next dc and draw through (2 Ips on hook). insert hcok in next dc and dra-*' through (3 Ips on hook). Y0 and draw through all !ps on hook (dec madę): sc in nett dc: rep from * 8 times morę: work dec in ncxt 2 dc: Join in 2nd ch of beg ch-2:20 sc. Rnd 8: Ch 2: sc in each st around: join in 2nd ch of beg ch-2:20 sc. Rnd 9: Ch 2. sc in next sc: * work dec in next 2 sc as follows: insert hook In next sc and draw through (2 Ips on hook). insert hook in nett sc and draw through (3 Ips on hook). YO and draw through all Ips on hook (dec madę); sc in each of next 2 sc: rep from * 3 times morę; work dec in next 2 sc: join in 2nd ch of beg ch-2:15 sc: stuff and shape head with potyester fiberfill.

Rnd tO: Ch 2: ’ work dec in next 2 sts: sc in next st: rep from * 3 times morę. work dec In next 2 sts:Join in 2nd ch of beg ch-2:10 sc. Rnd 11: Ch 3 (counts as first dc), dc in each sc around: join in 3rd ch of beg ch-3:10 dc: do not finish off.


Rnd 12-. Ch 3 (counts as first dc), dc in joining st ch 1. 2 dc in same joining st (beg dc-shell madę): * in next dc. work 2 dc. ch 1. 2 dc (dc-sheu madę): rep from * 8 times morę: Join in 3rd ch of beg ch-3:10 dc-shells.

Rnd 13: Ch 1. sl st in next dc and into ch-1 sp: in same ch-1 sp. ch 3 (counts as dc), dc. ch 1.2 dc (beg dc-shell madę): * in ch-1 sp of next dc-shell. work 2 dc. ch 1.2 dc (dc-shell madę): rep from ’ 8 times morę: join in 3rd ch of beg ch-3:10 dc-shells,

Rnd 14: Ch 1. sl st in next dc and Into ch-1 sp: In same ch-1 sp. work beg dc sheii in ch-1 sp of next 2 dc-shells. work dc-shell (2 dc-sheiis madę): t ch 1. in ch-1 sp of next dc-shell. work dc-shell t: rep from t to t 2 times morę; in ch-1 sp of next 2 dc-shells. work dc-sbeli (2 dc-shells mado): rep from t to t twice (2 dc-she(is madę), ch l:joćn in 3rd ch of beg ch-3:10 dc-sbeib and 6. ch-1 sps separating shebs.

Rnd 15: Ch 1. sl st in next dc and into ch-1 sp: in same ch-1 sp. ch 4 (counts as trc). trc. ch 1.2 trc (beg trc-shell madę); in ch-1 sp of next dc-sheil. work 2 trc. ch 1.2 trc (trc-shell madę): in ch-1 spof next dc-Shell, work trc-she:’.:fch l.inch-1 spof nett dc-shell. work trc-shell t: rep from t to 12 times morę: in ch-1 sp of next 2 dc-sbeils. work trc-shell (2 trc-shells madę): rep from t to t twice. ch 1: join «n4th chof beg ch-4:10 trc-shells and 6. ch-1 sps separating sheUs.

Rnd 16: Ch 1. sl st in next trc and into ch-1 sp; in same ch-1 sp. work beg trc-shell: in ch-1 sp of nett 2 trc-shells. work trc-shell (2 trc-shells madę): t ch 1. in ch-1 sp of next trc-shell. work trc-shell t: rep from t to 12 times morę: in ch-1 sp of next 2 trc-shells. work trc-sheH (2 trc-shells madę): rep from t to t twice. ch 1: join in 4th ch of beg ch-4:10 trc-shells and 6. ch-1 sps separating shells.

Rnd 17: Ch 1. sl st in nexttrcand into ch-1 sp-. * ch 5. sc between next 2 trc-shells. ch 5. sc in ch-1 sp of next trc-shell: rep from * 9 times morę: ch S. sc between next 2 trc-shells. ch 5. )ao In beg sl st :n next ch-1 sp= 20. ch -5 ips-. finish off and weave in ends: set aside Notę: Front and Back of Orerblouse are where shells are separated by ch-1.


Ch 22.;o<n with a sl st to form ring,

Rnd 1: Ch 3 (counts as first dc in this and foliowing mds)-. dc in each of nett 10 chs. ch 1: dc in each of next 11 chs. ch 1: join In 3rd ch of beg ch-3:22 dc and 2. ch-1 sps.

Rnd 2: Ch 3. dc in each of next 10 dc. dc in next ch-1 sp. dc in each of next 11 dc. dc in next ch-1 sp-. join in 3rd ch of beg ch-3: 24 dc.

Rnd 3: Ch 3. dc in each dc around: join In 3rd ch of beg ch-3.

Rnd 4: Ch 3. dc in nett dc. ch 1: * dc in each of next 2 dc. ch 1; rep from • 10 times morę-, join In 3rd ch of beg ch-3:24 dc and 12. ch-1 sps.

Rnd 5: Ch 4 (counts as first dc and ch 1). dc in next dc. ch 1. sk nett ch-1 sp: * (dc in next dc. ch 1) twice. sk next ch-1 sp: rep from • 10 times morę; join in 3rd ch of beg ch-4:24. ch-1 sps. Rnd 6: Sl st into next ch-1 sp-. in S3me ch-1 sp. ch 4 (counts as trc). trc. ch 2.2 trc (beg trc-shell madę)-. * sk next 2 ch-1 sps. in nett ch-1 sp. work 2 trc. ch 2.2 trc (trc-shell madę); rep from * 6 times morę: sk nett 2 ch-1 sps. join in 4th ch of beg ch-4:8 trc-shells. Rnds 7 through 9: Ch 1. sl st in nett trc and into ch-2 sp: in same ch-2 sp. work beg tre-sheb: * in ch-2 sp of nett sheii. work trc-shell: rep from * 6 times morę.Join in 4th ch of beg ch-4:8 trc-sheiis Rnd 10: Ch 1. sl st in nett trc and into ch-2 sp-. in same ch-2 sp. work beg trc-shell. ch 1: * in ch-2 sp of nett Shell, work trc-sheil chi: rep from * 6 times morę: jeen in 4t h ch of beg ch-4:8 trc-shells and 8. ch-1 sps.

Rnd 11: Ch 1. si st in nett trc and into ch-2 sp: In same ch-2 sp. work beg trc-shell. ch 2; * in ch-2 sp of nett Shell, work trc-shell. ch 2; rep from * 6 times morę: join iri 4th ch of beg ch 4:8 trc-sheiis and 8. ch-2 sps.

Rnd 12: Ch 1. sl st In nett trc and mto ch-2 sp-. in same ch-2 sp. werk beg trc-shell. ch 3: ’ in ch-2 sp of nett shell. work trc-shell. ch 3: rep from * 6 times more:join in 4th ch of beg ch 4:8 trc-shells and 8. ch-3 sps.

Continua! on next page.



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