Word List
• acoustic nerve [a'ku:stik 'na:v] - nerw słuchowy
• anvil ['ćenvil] - kowadełko (kostka słuchowa)
• athetosis [’će03't3usis]
- atetoza, powolne ruchy palców
• auditory ['oiditarij
- słuchowy
• auricle ['o:rikl] — małżowina uszna
• cartilagc ['ka:tilid3]
- tkanka chrzestna
• cerebral palsy ['serebral -po:lzi] - paraliż, porażenie mózgowe
• cochlca ['kokliaj - ślimak
• convcrt [kon’vD:t]
- zamienić
• deafiiess ['deinis] - głuchota
• drum [drAinj — bębenek
• car [ia] - ucho
• carachc ['iarcik] — ból ucha
• enclose [in'klauz] - otoczyć
• extemal [iks’ta:nal]
- zewnętrzny
• hammer ['harna]
- młoteczek
(kostka słuchowa)
• hearing ['hiarir\] - słuch,
• labyrinth ['lasbirinBl
- labirynt
• neonatal meningitis [,ni:o'ncitol ,menin'd3aitis]
- noworodkowe zapalenie opon mózgowych
• otilis media [au'taitis ’mi:dia] - zapalenie ucha ,
• perilymph ['perilimf]
- perilimfa
• pinna ['pina] - małżowina uszna
• puncturcd ['pAi\kt/b:d]
- przekłuty, przebity
• pus [pas] - ropa
• rubella [ru:'bela] - różyczka
• slimuli (pl.) ['stimjulai], (sing.) stimulus - bodziec
• stirrup ['stirap]
- strzcmiączko (kostka słuchowa)
• tympanic cavity [tinTpaenik 'kćevitij - jama bębenkowa
• tympanic membranę rtim'pćenik 'membrein]
- błona bębenkowa
• vestibule [’vestibju:l] -przedsionek
Aiwil stirrup
The ears are the receptive organs of hearing. The ear consists of three distinct parts: the extemal ear, middle ear and intemal ear. The external ear consists of the pinna or auricle and the auditory canal; the middle ear comprises the tympanic cavity with three auditory bones; the intemal ear con-tains the membranous and bony labyrinths.
The auricle is built up of elastic cartilage. It passes into the extemal auditory canal leading to the tympanic membranę.
The middle ear, the tympanic cavity is enclosed by the temporal bonę. Sound vibrations are trans-mitted from the tympanic membranę across the cavity to three smali bones: the hammer, anvil and stirrup.
The intemal ear, which is called the labyrinth, consists of three main parts: the vestibule, cochlea and semicircular canals. The vestibule connects the oval window and the,cochlea. The semicircular canals are filled with fluid; their function is to maintain balance. The cochlea, which is a tubę resem-bling a snaiTs shell, is concemed with hearing. It contains the nerve endings which convert the sound waves into sound impulses transmitted to the brain via the acoustic nerve.
** ,/v
Fig. 16. The ear.
The canal leading to the tympanic membranę in the ear is lined with a very delicate rnucous membranę excreting wax. The activity of the muscles during mastication helps to expel wax from the ear and with it dust and other foreign matter. Scratching the membranę with a fmgemail can result in. an infected ear canal causing the inflammation of the middle ear.
There are many causes of congenital defect in hearing in bąbies: rubella in early pregnancy, inher-ited deafness, mental subnormality, cerebral palsy, especially-athetosis) or neonatal meningitis. The most common ear disorder is infection. Infection may occur in the ear canal (otitis extema) or in the middle ear (otitis media). The cause of otitis media is the entrance of bacteria into the normally sterile ear, which nearly always is the result of spread of bacteria along the Eustachian tubę from the nose or pharynx. jhrs is formed behind the tympanic membranę which may p er for atejp.ontaneou sly, other-wise it has to be punctured surgically. The clinical manifestations of otitis media are: acute earache, high fever, deafness,ear noises, nausea and vomiting.
EXERCISE A. Answer the following ąuestions.
]. What are the main parts of the ear?
2. What is the pinna madę up of?
3. Where are the three auditory bones located?
4. What does the inner ear contain?
5. Where is the sound perception located?
English for Mcdical Studcnts and Doctors -1 - E. Donesch-Jeżo