Ptcparc yoor nonc for painling b,-irouring the surfacc ii clcan and fr« of loose materiał o: debrij.
Befcee ycu begfcn your latom, w your larcen bemh and black joint to eompicceiy eov«e thc tutfaec os thc nonę. tcaving onJy thc bot tom un-paintod. Lct thia baic coat dry thoroughty.
xn’« painu • duli.
• llKCIcd blulho
The proportaatu fos a erouehing potc utll c-.ffcr freen thate fos a jtatvd-ing animal. Genceally, thc licad takc* ujt a larger pereentage oć thc «onc in a ercuchcd pote (roughly half ihc widch of tlić nonę). In an upctgh*. posc thc raccoon‘» head will take up Icaa tpacc in propoetion to Ofcrall body wre (uMułly a httlc ow Vs).
Pontioning thc head U the fint and mon impoetant itep oi thc layouc pco-<c«. The head can be nt lewi ot tdted tlightly. at I have done. On >lep«ng Jtoncł whcrc thcrc it not much room, tillir.g the head may be thc bett jolu-tjon fos fitting the catt into che avall-aWe tp.tec. Another option u to plxc the head co thc hjghcr tklc and fit thc hauneh coto the tlcętng et*d.
The head will be thaped like a thoet, fot heart. On my 9" nonę. chat heart
roeaiurct 4* iksom the top. Uie <h»3c to jkcteh In youc head umil tt leckj nght. The hauneh i» timilat in sue ta the head. Kit eiteulat mttead of heirt ihapcd. Lct it curvc arourad the coicf thc neoe. The taił it fot wth a fclira lip. Bring it arotind front the end of the łtonc. nepping ju»t jhort of the head. If you havc ponjoned your head hlja encujh. ikccch in a front paw unde: the chin.
N’oie ihat raecooeu' front fot! fan page 6)) took alntott like arnall humn while the rcar i«t are Iwse: with thotter toe». Tutn yow nonę around and make a roatching hamch on thc baek wde »ith a little Kt rftSt long baek foos ahowing. Now you j.-c ready to kegin iketehing in foeial de-(alit.
’t o/ Pamtiny Aniindfi on Rocki