3material na test 9 grudzien

3material na test 9 grudzien

3. Rhyme - repetition, in the rhyfhmic words, of the last stressed vowel and all of the speech sounds following the vowel e.g. follow - hollow.

Types of rhymes:

according to the position in the linę:

>    end rhymes - at the end of a verse linę (the most frequent type)

>    internal rhymes - within a verse linę or a passage

according to the number of syllables:

>    mascnline rhyme — consist of a single stressed syllable e.g. still — hill

>    feminine rhyme (double rhyme) — repetition of two syllables; consists of a stressed syllable followed by an unstressed syllable e.g. ending - bending

>    triple rhyme - involves three syllables; asually has a comic ąuality

according to the correspondence of sounds:

>    perfect rhyme (also fuli or true rhyme) — correspondence of the rhymed sounds is exact e.g. sky- high, great - late

>    imperfect rhyme (also known as partial rhyme, near rhyme, slant rhyme, pararhyme) - vowels are only approximate, rhymes that are close but not exact e.g. glorious - nefarious

>    forced rhyme — usually when something doesnt quite rhyme, but the poem "forces" it anyway, pressure of the rhyme forces a distortion of the pronunciation

>    eye rhymes - words whose endings are spelled the same e.g. prove - love, daughter -laughter (used to be pronounced the same but have acquired a different pronunciation)

4. Writers

George Orwell

•    British writer

•    joumalist and social novelist

•    “Animal Farm” (satire about revolution, allegory to human beings)

•    “The Nineteen Eighty-Four”

•    “Down and out in Paris and London”

•    “Homage to Catalonia”

•    “Corning Up for Air”


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