Poetry 3 1

Poetry 3 1


I. The form of poetry - sound values:

- RHYME - agreement in sound between words or syllables

•    masculine (single) rhymes - between words ending in stressed syllable, e.g. day/ say, awake/ forsake

•    feminine (double) rhymes - between words in which the first syllable is stressed and the last is unstressed, e.g. daily/ gaiły,

-    ALLITERATION - repetition of similar consonant sounds at the beginnings of proximate words, e.g. ‘west wind’, ‘Sense and Sensibility’; used to create melody, cali attention to important words, point out similarities and contrast; characteristic feature of Old English poetry,

-    ASSONANCE - agreement of nearby vowel sounds, e.g. “Hear the mellow wedding bells.” (E.A.Poe),

-    ONOMATOPOEIA - imitation of natural sounds in the sounds of words or phrases, e.g. hiss, buzz, murmur.bang, moo; horror, terror, thriller.

II. The form of poetry - versification/ prosody (includes rhythm, meter, stanza forms):

-    RHYTHM - regular recurrence of stress; regular or varied,

METRE - basie rhythmic structure of a linę; foot - unit of English verse (one unit of rhythm in a poem) containing one stressed syllable and its associated unstressed syllables; the most popular feet in English poetry:

   iamb/ iambic foot - an unstressed syllable followed by a stressed one (-1): “To be or not to be”,

   trochee (trochaic foot): (/ -) “Tyger, tyger, burning bright”,

   anapest (--/)- the stress occurs at the end of the foot, e.g. referee, comprehend,

   dactyl (/--)- the least frequently used, e.g. beautiful, murmuring, merrily

-    STANZA FORMS - stanza -ordered group of lines forming a complete division of a poem

   couplet- aa; triplet- aaa; quatrain - abab; framing rhymes - abba

ERSE PATTERNS - monometer (one-foot linę), dimeter (two-foot linę),

trimeter (3 feet), tetrameter (4), pentameter (5), hexameter (6)


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