1materiał na test 9 grudzien

1materiał na test 9 grudzien

Introduction to literaturę — Test 1

1. Rhetorical figures (figures of speech)

simile - a comparison between two different things (‘as* or £like’) metaphor — a term or phrase is applied to a distinctly different thing to suggest a resembłance

dead metaphor - metaphor which has łost its original literał meaning through extensive popular usage



metonymy — the literał term of one thing is applied to another synecdoche - a part of something is used to signify the whole (ca hundred sales’ person ification - an inanimate or abstract object is spoken of as if it was endowed with life or with human attributes and feelings

anaphora - dełiberate repetition of a word or phrase at the beginning of a linę or sentence epistrophe - repetition of the same word or words at the end of a linę or sentence apostrophe - a direct address to an absent person or abstract and nonhuman entity invocation — an address to a god or other supernaturał being to assist the poet in his composition

chiasmus — two parallel phrases in which the order of the second is reversed (e.g. pleasure is a sin, sin is a pleasure)

paralipsis - a rhetorical figurę in which the speaker or writer invokes a subject by denying that it should be invoked

rhetorical question — a sentence in the grammatical form of a ąuestion which is not asked in order to request information but to achieve a greater expressive force zeugma - describes the joining of two or morę parts of a sentence with a single common verb or noun

oxymoron - a combination of two contradictory terms

hyperbole (overstatement) - the exaggeration used to evoke strong feelings or make a strong impression

ellipsis — indicates a pause in speech or an unfinished thought

litotes - it is used to describe the expression of an idea by a denial of its opposite (double

ńdgdtives) e.g. attractiye = not tmattractive

paradox — contradictory statemeht br aspects

pftjraphrasis - restatement of a text or passage, iising other words


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