1TSW 1401 Introduction to Word Processing
(M1SC 1420) 3-3-4
An ovcrvicw of the production o! documcnts. tablcs. and graphics.
ITSW 1404 Introduction toSpreadsheets
Instruction in ihc conccpts. proccdurcs. and importancc o! clcctronic spreadshccts
ITSW 1407 Introduction to Datubase
Introduction to databasc theory and the praclical applicattons of a databasc Prcrequisitcs 11 SNA 1401 or ITSW 1404 or USC 1409
ITSW 1413 Introduction to Data Entry
Traming in data input Includcs sourcc documcnts. conscrsion of sourcc dala into Computer input media, input rccord layout design, and input codIng.
JAPN 1311 Elementary Japancsc I 3-0-3
Introduction to Japancsc with emphasis on convcrsation. grammar. and the wrillcn forms There v%ill also be readmgs of simple tcxts dealmg with Japancsc lilc and culturc
JAPN 1312 Klcmcntan Japancsc II 3-0-3
Continuation of Japancsc conscrsation. grammar and the wriUcn forms I mphasis is on rcading texls dealmg ssith Japancsc lifc and culturc Prcrcquisitc JAPN 1311
JAPN 1370 Introduction to Japancsc 3-0-3
This coursc prosides students with conscrsational and academic skills in basie "sumsaT* Japancsc b> presenling the language in a practical. contcxtual setting Grammar is reinforeed b> cxample with emphasis on understanding the structure and mastery of the structure in conscrsation.
JAPN 1411 Beginning Japancsc I 4-2-4
TTiis coursc includcs basie grammar drill. pconunciation dnll. simple rcading. and conversation
JAPN 1412 Beginning Japancsc II 4-2-4
Itlcmcntary grammar is complelcd Pronunciation drill and rcading-based conscrsation are contmued Common conscrsational phrases arc stressed Prcrcquisitc JAPN 1411
JAPN 2311 Intermediate Japancsc 3-0-3
Rcview and application of skills in listcnmg. comprchcnsion. and spcaking; introduction to adsaneed grammar patterns. and acquisifion of additional Japancsc charactcrs
LGLA 1321 Military Law I (LEGA 1309) 3-0-3
Ihis coursc presents an osemew of the militar) legał system mcludmg an introduction to the Uniform Codę of Military Jlislicc. military rcgulations. and proccdurcs involvcd in military law A brcakdown of the organi/ation and pcrsonncl of the Judge Adtocatc General'* Corps is also includcd
LGLA 1343 Bankruptcy(LEGA 1308) 3-0-3
This coursc presents tundamental conccpts of bankruptes law and procedurę with emphasis on the paralcgaTs role Topie* includc tnditidual and business liquidation and rcorgam/.alion
LGLA 1345 Civil Lit igation (LEGA 1307) 3-0-3
This coursc presents tundamental conccpts and proccdurcs of cml liligalion with emphasis on the paralcgaTs role lopics includc prctrial. mai. and post tria) phases ot litigation Prcfcqimitcs LGLA 1407 and LGLA 1417
LGLA 1351 Contracts(LEGA 2302) 3-0-3
Ihis coursc presents lundumenul conccpts of coniract law with emphasis on the paialcgal s role. lopics includc format»on, performance, and cnforccmcnt of contracls under the comimm law and the Uniform Commcrcial Codę.
U,LA 1353 Wilk, Trust and Probate Administration
(LEGA 2405) 3-0-3
I his coursc presents tundamental conccpts ot the law of wills. trusts. and probate administration with emphasis on the paralcgaTs role Prcrcquisitcs LGLA 1407 and LGLA 1417
LGLA 1355 Family Law (LEGA 1304) 3-0-3
Ihis coursc presents tundamental conccpts ol lamii) law with emphasis on the paralcgaTs role Topics includc forma! and infonrial marnages. disorcc. annulmcnt. marilal properfy. and the parent-ehild relatioftship
LGLA 1357 Juvcnile Law (LEGA 2307) 3-0-3
Ihis coursc presents fundamenta] conccpts of juscmlc lass with emphasis on the paralcgaTs role lopics includc diffcrcnccs hetsseen the criminal and juscmlc justicc Systems, detention. adjudication and ccrtification proccdurcs. and related issucs ssithin the puhlic cducation system Prcrcquisitcs LGLA 1407 and LGLA 1417
LGLA 1391 Spccial Topics in Para lega 1/Legał Assistancc (LEG A 2101) (LEG A 2308) 3-0-3
Topics address rcccntly identificd currcnl esenis. skills. knowlcdgc. and/ or attitudes and behasiors pertment to the technolog) or occupation and relcsant to Ihc Professional dcsclopmcnt of the student
LGLA 1401 Legał Research and Writing 3-3-4
I his coursc prosides a working knowlcdgc of lundamcntals ot clTcctisc legał rcscarch and writing Topics includc law lihrary tcchntqucs. Computer assisted legał rescarch. hnefs. and legał memoranda
IX*LA 1407 Introduction to Law and the I*gal Profession (LEGA 1401) 4-0-4
Ihis coursc prosides an osersiew ol the lass and the legał professions Topics includc legał conccpts. system*. and tcrminology. cthical ohligations and rcgulations. profcssional trends and issucs with parficular emphasis on the paralegal