90 (158)

90 (158)

4.2.3A. Specific technique to increase ven-tral and caudal movement of the mandible. Slight opening of the mouth.

Starting Position: P: Sitting or supine. T: Standing facing P's left side.

Grip: T's right forearm and hand grip P's head from behind. fingers against P’s forehead. T stabilizes P's head between his/her right hand, arm and chest. With medical gloved hand, Ts left thumb is placed on P’s lower molars on the right side, as far back in the mouth as possible. Ts index and middle fingers grip the angle of P's mandible on the right side with the ring and/or little fingers held under P’s mandible (depending on the size of T's hand and P’s mandible).

Fig. 72 a. Starting Position.

Procedurę: Using this grip. T applies light traction caudally to P's right TM-joint by pressing his/her thumb caudally against the lower molars while gradually and maximally pulling ventrally to produce a ventral glide of the right head of the mandible at the TM joint.

Stimulation of Antagonists: T retains grip with right hand and places left hand on the left side of P’s chin and asks P to look to the left and downwards and then move his/her mandible caudally and to the left (in the direction of stretching). T resists that movement to stimulate P’s antagonists.

Notę: If the restriction of movement is bilateral, the same treatment may be performed on P’s opposite side.

Fig. 72 b. Finał Position.



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