49 (372)

49 (372)

3.5.3A. Specific techniąue to increase dorsal flexion of the atlas on the axis.

P. sitting.

Starting Position: P: Sitting; left side of head supported against T’s left shoulder and chest. T: Standing facing P’s left side.

Grip: T's right index finger and thumb stabilize P’s axis from the dorsal aspect. T’s left hand grips around the right side of P’s head with the little finger along the posterior arch of P’s atlas. P’s head is fixed between T’s left hand and chest. T’s left palm cups comfortably over P's ear, with the hand and arm positioned to avoid uncomfortable pressure on P’s mandible.

Procedurę: Using this grip, T applies traction at P’s head, and then maintaining this traction, moves his/her body to gradually and fully dorsally flex P’s occiput and atlas on the stabilized axis. In this movement, P's occiput presses the posterior arch ofthe atlas caudally against the spinous process of the axis, achieving the desired dorsal flexion.

Stimulation of Antagonists: T retains grip and asks Ptolook upwards, thrust chin out, and dorsally flex in the direction just stretched. T resists that movement to stimulate P’s antagonists.

Notę: T may increase traction, if necessary, by altering grip, see therapy 3.5.3B. p. 50.

Fig. 33 a. Starting Position.



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