





What does it takc to bc an outstanding woodcarver? In this ovcrview of the csscntial clements of classical woodcarving, Dick Onians takes readers through the whole rangÄ™ of vital skills, from simple carved mouldings to carving the human figurÄ™ and creating abstract works. Each new aspect builds on what has been learnt in previous chapters and includes advice on tools and wood, as well as dcmonstrating the importance of observation and preliminary sketches.

Clear, thoughtful and highly illustrated, the book will be invaluable to the aspiring carver, not only offering technical advice, but also historical background and, most importantly, inspiration to learn new skills.

Includes: Chip carving • Carved mouldings • Foliage • Linenfold Carving in the round • Bowls • Animals • The human figurÄ™ Stylizing the figurÄ™ • Abstracts • Incised lettering

Plus: Over 270 colour photographs • 55 black and whitc linę drawings

Guild of Mastf.r Craftsman Publications


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