4material na test 9 grudzien

4material na test 9 grudzien

Charles Dickens

•    British writer

•    Victorian no ve list

•    joumalist, wrote for magazines (“Moming Chronicles”)

•    satirist (“Pickwick Papers”)

•    “Christmas Carol”

•    “David Copperfield”

•    “Bleak House”

•    “A Tale of Two Cities” .

•    “Great Expectations”

Jerome David Salinger

•    American writer

•    short story writer

•    “The Catcher in the Rye” (controversial book, encourages teenagers to rebel)

•    “Ninę Stories”

William Blake

• British writer    [”*    ł*' r r *' : 1

•    preromantic and romantic writer

•    wrote poems

•    philosopher, mystic, engraver, print maker

•    “Poetical Sketches”

•    “Songs of Innocence” (“Lamb”, “Infant Joy”)

•    “Songs of Experience” (“Infant Sorrow”, “The Tyger”)

•    “The Marriage of Heaven and Heli”

•    “Jerusalem”

George Byron

•    British writer

•    romantic writer

•    poet and dramatist

•    “Don Juan”

•    “She Walks in Beauty”

•    “When We Two Parted”


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