asy ndeton - deliberate omitting conjunctions from a series of related clauses
polysyndeton — the use of several conjunctions in close succession
antithesis - a figurę of speech in which contrasting ideas are juxtaposed in a balanced or
parallel phrase or grammatical structure
onomathopeia - words that imitate sounds e.g. hiss, buzz
euphony - musical and smooth sounds
cacophony — a mixture of harsh words
alliteration - repetition of the same sounds (consonance [consonants] or assonance [vowels]) aliiteratiye meter - linę is divided into two half lines, the sound from one half illiterates to the sound in the other half
run-on lines — when a thought is not finished in one line/verse end-stopped linę - a thought finishes in one line/verse ceasure - major pause in the middle of the linę blank verse - iambic pentameter lines without rhymes 2. Metric feet — combination of stressed and unstressed syllables
trochee - stressed syllable followed by unstressed syllable ( / U ) iambic — unstressed syllable followed by stressed syllable ( U / ) anapest — two unstressed syllables followed by stressed syllable ( U U / ) dactyl — one stressed syllable followed by two unstressed syllables ( / U U ) iambic pentameter — five iambic meters ( U/ U/ U/ U/ U/ )