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gropevinc wreotH; loh of wnoil twigv 3 lengtti* of fwine. eoch 36-incheł long; cluite»i of beffiet. łuch o» cotrontt o• wir.terborneł; *mol! ł of lccvei
Fili m grop«viro wiooth witłi vmoll fw»g$ to make U óemor or>d Mer lock in jproył of beniej oll oroond wrcofh; odd loof ipr-gi fot a lu«h eftect Mork off tfvre* equ diitont pc-lr.o ort wrea* and loop lengtHj of fw>n* oround wfeoth ot thejo polno, •och lengtfc togeńef ot end. Hcfd piece* of twine together tootfy obove wreatb ord kno» oll tfuee leogtfis together oroond 0 &r>ng. Make ony odiułtmenr* neceuary to auure that wreorb hang* ev»nly from the D-f "g Atłoch to bronch or brockel to birdł eon porch on wreańi and pock at tho bonie*