5 El clima y los viajes
Weather and travel
By the end of this chapter you should be able to:
• Comment about the weather
• Talk about transport
• Express frequency
• Refer to the parts of the day
Dialogue 1 (Zł
iComo esta el clima?
While reading the dialogue below, see if you can find answers to these ąuestions:
Is it a sunny place?
Does it rain much?
Mr Carter is talking to one of the local women in the resort where he is spending his holiday
Sr Carter: Sra Lopez: Sr Carter: Sra Lopez: Sr Carter: Sra Lopez: Sr Carter: Sra Lopez:
(,Hace calor aquf?
Generalmente si, pero la temperatura es agradable. t,Cuśl es la temperatura media?
En enero es de 28 grados centfgrados. i, Y hace mucho sol?
Sf, normalmente ocho horas diarias.
<-,Llueve tambićn?
Muy poco.
Mr Carter: Is it hot here?
Sra Lopez: Usually it is, but the average temperaturę is pleasant.
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