Ford Zetec


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jndZ8mmc«MuSt jcufindycwll sNittr« 0o«»łWd ot Cash lor Mile jjw - the engme imN Urugjjle lo grl oscr JOObhp evt»i wch ntengr* mods The lamer-rahehMds tram Ihe L8 v 2.0IU arent compatitto. x> ody look M the larger eacualy enpnei and th« soope Jor hnn* Till"W * Ł0#» angin* w# be jout bosi bet for ma unum power and lorqs» bom the olf. but il ycore a«t on the 1S ther es (M płeftły you Can do


BHP: 120-I40bhp depending on engine COST: £i5<>-£350    _

>Unllke tłw CVH and ot ber earlier Ford englnos such as Ute Pinio, the Zetec doesn i respond particutarly wcfl to the usu.il breathing mods This is mostty due to advances in engine technology. leadlng to manufocturers squeczing as much f)Ower as possiblc from tlso standard engine tsy ertsuring the componcnts aro as we-J des«gned as possible. Adding a performance panel filter or induction kit won't massivrty increase the power. just induction norse. A free-flowing exh3ust system svill produce a marginal increase in power and youll protwbly see a lobhp mcre.*se onboth the i.8 and the i.oltr. Remów ng the catalytic conserter will make the orhairst gases ftow better and hetp the cngirse rev much e.isier, which will lx> moce noticeable with .idditional mods


BHP: 180+bhp

COST: £a.ooo-£3.ooo

>Once you has-e the ’30ps engine spec. ttte next step K to miprove the induction and csctwuist ftow. and look at a rcmap with larger injoctors. Many tuners agree that the marimum power you can achiese on the i.8ltr Zetec inlct manlfold and mjectors is 165-1/Sbhp. and by then you ll be pushing the engme management to llslimlts.

Fittmg throttle bodres at this point isa must. They’11 rejtlace the complete standard Wet system and are essentlally .1 tlirottle for each cylinder, but !bcyVo all Joined In umson and opon and doseat the same limę. Ttte tonglh of the inlet ninners will greatly affect the torque that the engine produces the longer they are. the better. Just make surę you can slill dose the bonnet because dearance is re*ativety tigtitl Togęthor with the throttle txxbes, youH need uprated mjectors to prowde the inereased amount of fuel noeried. and the engme will need aftermarket management with a custom map to get ttie most out of it. An uprated fud pump and pressure regulator will also be crucial at this po>nl.

>A changę of camshafts for nthpr the i.8 or J.oltr will provide galns of up to ijbhp. wtulę chipptng a Zetec is morę for driwahility than power. tf youYe tunlng either the 105 or nsbhp versions. adding a set of ?.oltr or fast road canvs is a good idea. but youll need the larger 5311101 throttle body from tbe 2 0ltr to reptace the 1.8's 48mm item. You ll need the 2.oltr MAF sensor too. hreause it's much larger. With that lot fitted to a i.8. you can expect about l/.obhp. wtułe a set of fast road cams and a chip fitted to a 2.oltr should crack ttte issbhp mark Fittmg a tubular exhaust nunifotd similar to the Focus STiyo item w# also help no cnd.

RBOneA-jtutr . C: .7 143


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