Frames and fittingi

if presscd flower work is to survive for any length of timc ii mus: be prescrved in sealed, airtight conditions. While (his incwilably cxcludcs some furms of present-ałion thcre is still a widu selection available providing the correct measures are talcen.

Wooden frames and suitable mounts

Conventional frames can be used but wooden ones must te- carefuliy checked lor dusi. When the tramę is wiped clean. sharply tap each side to sec if il $heds sawdust or dirt. If the frame is sound but continues to shed partides, bind the raw edges wilh sirips of gummed paper tape. Should the wood prove wormed or warped, discard it.

It is essential tnal the glass fits e.\actly into the front of the lrame. To prowent yciur work from becoming damp or damaged ii: a frame-makcr'5 workshop, ii is best to buy the glass from the rramer or a głazie: before the arrangement has been assembled. Once you have all the frame fittings, the work can be fitted and sealed irnmediately on completion. A ncw frame is usually supplied with a backing board but, wilh an old frame, it mav te necessary to have a piece of hardboard cut to fil into the bsek. Cardboard is not stnmgenough to useas a backing board bul. to create a snug fit, you will prob-ably need to insert sheets of cardboard berween the arrangement and the backing board. These should be exacdy the same size as the backing board, no: slightly srnaller because air pockcts will form in the corners. Apply card to a level so that when the backing board is placed in position it rests slightly above the tv.ck of the frame, not sunken helów it - because this will !e»ve a sliglil gap wliich will eventually allow moisture inside. Ali metal elips and screws should lv remOved from the back of the frame and when the glass, arrangement,


cards and backing have beenlayered, the edges should be sealed with strip.s of gummed paper.

Because of the sealed fador, a thick card mount should HiW be used with pressed flowers. The pelals will soon curl up and the arrangement swiftly deterio-rate. Thin paper mounts can be used with arrange-ments but, because of the difficulty of cutting paper into smooth shapes, it is best to purchase these from a Professional source. (ilass printed with mount shapcs can also be purchased and these provide a sadsfactory and pleasing style of presentation.

An alternative method lies in assembling the arrangement on a base smaJler than the area to be framed and placing a piece of coloured card, or card COvered with fabric behind it so the work is surrounded with a coloured border.

When mounting a piciure in tnis manner, select the coloured card to fit snugly inside the frame. If fabric is being used, fold the edges back firmly and stitch them together with thread across the back ot the card. Assemble the arrangement on a piece of professionally cut paper o: thin card with the correct dimensioitS because it is very difficult to correct the size of an arrangement afterwards with scissors. The edges of the paper will bedearly on display and if these look tatty or out of linę, it will spoił the presentation.

A imali yorcelain frame. holdsan arrangement on blue satin. Because the inside of ti:c frame is siightly inegular and cannol fv fitted łigktfy with glass, the ivork is protected with self-adhesbe (Hm. The base is padded fi* hołd the awfc in place and Ihe back is sealed with thick card glued to the edgeof the frame.


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