

You need:

plostic foam wreath form. rolled cotton; jtring; whit© and iilver gkm boli ornamonts in iwo s-zej; low-temp gki© gun and giue sticks; whtte foux loaf cod booćed berry branches

To do:

Wrop wreoth form with rolled cotton to cover completeiy and socura w.tb a length of stting. Remowt wire hangors from ałl baJIs. |lf possiWe, berd honger wiro straight, reploce on baH ond poke wire into foom boforo gluing.) Arrange o row of Sorger ornomer.ts oround conter cf wreoth and gio© into place Arrange and secure a row of smoli white ornament* olong oach sdo of latge ones. Continua to giue on rows of sihrer and wbite smałler ornament* yntil wreoth hos been filled inclwdir>g th© innor rim. (leavo back Rot »o you can hang wreoth easily.) Position faux branches at top edge and poke Into foom; securo with gluo if nocessoty.


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