

You need:

ploific foom wroath form, vciric«ł wired-odgod redord-white-check ribbonj; hor-gloe gun and glue iticks

To do:

Docido which ribbon you w Uh to trt© o$ ihe boso. Głoe one end fo wrong lido o! wreath form; wrcp ribbon conlinuouify aroond form, overicppmg cdgoi to cover complefely. Glue olhor end to wrong sido of wroalh. Tio ribbon legmenU in*.o bowi; gloe oll over wreath


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87a8scd You need: plałtic foom wrooth form; ruttcolored, 3-inch-wide grotgroin ribbon. fl<ylvr »
4603scd You nccd: płoitic ioom wroath form; fo-jx bnr>ei in redl. purplei and gtcom; imali łou* f
7426scd You need: plostic foam wreath form. rolled cotton; jtring; whit© and iilver gkm boli ornamon
d10dscd You nocd: 18-inch ploit< foom wrcoth form; 2-inch-w.de ribbon in cołor fbot coordmatc* wi
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