

You nocd:

18-inch ploit< foom wrcoth form; 2-inch-w.de ribbon in cołor fbot coordmatc* wilh ornament*; hot-glue gon ond gloe ificks; łorge. mediom and vmdl ornament*; pencil: florisl’* pm»; bow

To do:

Cover inner edge of wrearh form witfi ribbon; hotglue or pin lo iecuto in płaco. With pointed ond Ot o pencil. poke abouf a do zon hole* all around the wreoth. Iniert *!em ond of Icrgeit boli* into thcic holo*. Wncn plootcd wilh piaccmcnt, hotgluc into pos>tk>n. Sepeot witfi medium ond smoli boli* until form >s covered Now build a second layer of medium and smali bal!*, opplying Ko* gluo around stem and łticking between bali* on firsl layor. Continuo until form i* covorod. Camoullago outiide edgo of form wilh moro ribbon; hoł-glue or pin into ptoco. Finiłh with o bow.


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