the linę of lite curve. Space the Iwo curvcd leaves slightly apar: to form cm aro, and place the straight leaf in the centro so ihat it just cover$ the bottoms of the lcaves. Adjust Ihe leaves until they form a balanced $wag, thcn carefully remove fhe central leaf so the oulor leaves can he secured at their bases wilh adhesive. Replace the central leaf and sccurc with adhe$ive.

konger and moro elaborate swags can be assembled willi the addition of moro curving leaves bul always position Ihe frailest varieties at the ouler lips and over-lap towards ihe centre wilh firmcr sporimens. Details like Pea tendrils, secd pods, \e:tle, and Clovcr flowers or moss strands ran be worked into these arrangc-ments, but care Should bo taken not 10 place them too do$e lo tho outor edge of Ihe basc because these niay be strotched slightly out of position when the miniaturę is coveied and framed.

Flower borders (%s. u, 13.1)

Dolioaie borders of flowers. loaves and parlides, which consist of smali soparate groups, will form an attraclive arrangcment and, al lite samo timo, will teach you tho basie techniquoof assombling plant materia! and how to hide the adhesive successfully. In Figurp 13 Ihe fmor details are fixed inio place with specks of adhesive. When securing a fuUy oponcu flower head, place the adhesive on the spo: where ihe centre of tho flower will rost or, if a centre ha$ bcen romoved, place the adhosivo noar the opening.



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