and D - Dan. |
(7 points) |
Who: 1 sees Uje płioto of Belinda? |
□ |
2 liked David? |
□ |
3 was Ul when they had exams? |
□ |
4 asks about Linda? |
□ |
5 cooked Christ.mas dinner for the class? _J | |
6 watched football at Liz's house? |
□ |
7 walked on the grecn patii? |
□ |
Philipdidnt like Oxford ar.funst becanse a it. was a boring town. b tu? found it. difficult t.o make friends. c his suidies were very difficult.
After universily Philip a got a good job. b couldn’t iind any work. c worked iu London.
Philip started work a at 5 o’clock in the moming. b at 6 o’clock in the evening. c ac6oclock in the moming.
Philip went to a America for iwo mont.hs. b New York for two months. c America for two weeks.
1 Read about Philip Rogers’ life and circle
the correct answers: a, b or c. (6 points)
1 Philip
a wasn’t bom whcn England won the World Cup.
b watched the World Cup In 196(5. c wasn’t interestecl in football in 196G.
2 In the 1970’;? Philip
a had holidays near the sca. b went on holiday to different places with his aunt
c went on holiday to Oxford.
A I want to tell you about an important person in my lite.
B 0 Wh.c was hcł
B 1_ _ _ _?
A I tłiink he wjls firom London.
« U/ill iryi t-r wmi {WlłAl OfcAA '!««
i « /• «! C {] • *4V1*r»
A He was my teacher when I was aboul 14.
B 4_ _ _
Philip Rogers started teaching in 1992 and came to our school in 1994. He was bom in 1960 in England and docsnt remcmber much of the 1960's. He w.\sn't mceresced in football thcn and didn’c SCC England win the World Cup in 1966. The lirst big news story cha: he rcmembers is when the Americars landcc on the moon in 1969.
In the 1970‘s. Philip rcnicmbcrs holidays in Cornwall. He stayed with his aunt in a house with a bcautifuł vicw of the sca and a busy harbour. His aunt had a boa: and tncy often v.enc sailing anc sometimes chey caught fish. He swam cvery ćay and ate lots of Ccrnish ice creani.
In 1973. Philip went to university in Oxford. He was<juite shy and didnt iike livingthere at first. Later he nade some friends and liked iivmg in Oxford. Hc started going to football matches and conccrts. He likc«J gomg co a place ca!cd 'The Crangcs and Lemcns'. He saw lots cf bands there buc he didnt scc anycne famous because it was a very smali place.
After university. Phdip went-to Iwe m London. This was in che 1960's and Phiiip now hates looking at photos of ihis timc. OothcS and haircuts in che l9S0's were very strange! He didn'c have a good ;ob. It was difficult to f;nd wcrx. He worked in a burger bar on a crain station. He liked the job buc he had to ge: up ac 5 o'c!ock because l>e started work at 6 in the morning. He liked Ihring in London but hc didnt livc in the centrę. Hc !ived in a place called lottenham in Ncrth London.
In 1988. he ter? London and went to America. Ho went in Occobcr and cama home n Dcccmbcr. It was agreat tiinc. Hc trawclcd all ovcr the country buc he didnt sleep in hctels. He cravelled at night by bus and slept on the bus. His fiwourlte płaco was New York. He lovcd the big city and the smcll of food tjvcrywherc.
Now hc is married and has two children. He Is a teachcr and hc Kkcs to remember when he was young.
Ho was a bisiory Leacher.
He talked to us like ariults and madę r.he subject really
He tal kod a lot. about musie.
Hc loved rock musie.
Hc showed mc whal a good Leacher could do. Thats when 1 started thinking about being a leacher.
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